bill@polygen.uucp (Bill Poitras) (08/04/89)
Does anyone have a set of files that can be used as prototypes for creating the PC/XT 360K distribution of Minix-PC 1.3. I have the AT version and I want to put it on 360K disk for my XT at home. If anyone is wondering how I would use them. I would use them when doing a 'mkfs /dev/fd0 <prototype>'. Mkfs would then find the right files on my hard disk to copy to the 360K disks. If you have the 360K version on disk, you can create these files by putting each of the distribution disks into the disk drive and typing 'readfs -i /dev/fd0 > prototype-filename'. +-----------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Bill Poitras | Polygen Corporation | {princeton mit-eddie | | (bill) | Waltham, MA USA | buita sunne}!polygen!bill | +-----------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------+