[comp.os.minix] New MINIX Compatibility List

perry@seas.ucla.edu (08/11/89)

After much wait, here is the new compatibility list in the new format.
Please send me any comments, particularly in the ST MINIX area, where my
knowledge is questionable.

#                                                                         #
#               MINIX Compatibility List -- 8 August 1989                 #
#                                                                         #


This is a list of machines that MINIX has reportedly run on.  Updated
versions of this list is posted when a sufficient number of entries are
added or changed or when requested.

Please send any reports of MINIX compatibility, comments, corrections,
etc. to:

Alan F. Perry, 23240 Orange Ave #6, El Toro, CA 92630
Phone: +1 714 770 9004 (home)
E-mail addresses:

Please DO NOT submit reports to Glen Overby (ncoverby@plains.NoDak.edu).

Version 1.0 is the version in Tanenbaum's book, "Operating Systems: Design
and Implementation".  Version 1.1 is the initially released version and 
the differences between it and 1.0 are minor.  Version 1.2 was released
next.  Version 1.3 is the currently available from Prentice-Hall.
Version 1.4 exists, but is not yet available from Prentice-Hall.

Version 2.0 is in the planning stages and should be available late next

Version 1.1 is the currently available version and is currently
available from Prentice-Hall.  I have heard about Version 1.2,
but I am not sure what state it is in.

Explanation of List

Each list is sorted in alphabetic order.  Each line is an entry that
represents a portion of a report received by the editor.  Each entry is a
report of how well a specific version of Minix worked on a specific
machine or other piece of hardware.  Each entry appears as a single line
in the following format:

------------------------- --- - -------- -------- -------------------------
1111111111111111111111111 222 3 44444444 55555555 6666666666666666666666666

where each field is defined as:

  1 - Hardware type.  The type of hardware on which MINIX was tested.
  2 - MINIX Version.  The version of MINIX tested on the hardware.
                      x.x indicates that the version is unknown.
  3 - Report Status.  This will be Y (Yes, MINIX worked on the version),
      N (No, MINIX did not work on this version) or P (Yes, MINIX worked
      on the version, but a patch was required).
  4 - Report Submitter.  This is a reference to the individual who
      submitted the report.  A list of submitters is included with the
  5 - Date of Report.  When the report was received.
  6 - Additional Comments.  Additional, useful comments added by the

There are two major sections at this time.  The first is PC MINIX 1.x and
the other is ST MINIX 1.x.  Other sections may be added as needed (e.g.,
an AMIGA MINIX or PC MINIX 2.x section).

At this time, within each section are two subsections.  The first is Basic
Operation (whether MINIX runs on the machine at all) and Optional Hardware
(whether it works with specific added hardware, such as Disk Controllers
and Video Cards).  Other subsections may be added as needed.

The Compatibility List


Basic Operation
----- ---------
Acel 1100                 1.2 P 01/28/89 dono
ALR Dart                  1.1 Y 01/28/89 allan
AMT-ATjr                  1.2 Y 01/28/89 darren
AMT 386                   1.1 N 01/28/89 wes
ARC Turbo XT              1.1 Y 01/28/89 mullen
ARC Turbo XT              1.2 Y 01/28/89 mullen
AST 286                   1.2 Y 01/28/89 dlawyer
AST 286                   1.3 Y 02/25/89 dlawyer
AT&T 6300                 1.2 Y 01/28/89 pechter
AT&T 6300                 1.2 Y 01/28/89 jcs
AT&T 6300+                1.1 Y 01/28/89 kav
AT&T 6300+                1.2 Y 01/28/89 kav
AT&T 6300+ w/ 1.2Mb flp   1.2 P 01/28/89 kav
AT&T 6312 WGS             1.2 Y 01/28/89 jimj
AT&T 6312 WGS             1.1 Y 01/28/89 gopi
ATronics AT               1.2 Y 01/28/89 hubble
ATronics XT               1.2 Y 01/28/89 dhb
Acer 1100                 1.1 N 01/28/89 wes
Aerocomp                  1.1 Y 01/28/89 rmtodd
Aerocomp                  1.2 Y 01/28/89 rmtodd
American XT/UNITRON mbd   1.2 Y 01/28/89 rende
Amiga 1000/Sidecar        1.2 Y 01/28/89 becker
Ampro LittleBoard/PC      1.1 Y 01/28/89 mark-gei
Ampro LittleBoard/PC      1.2 Y 01/28/89 mark-gei
Amstrad                   1.2 Y 01/28/89 steve
Amstrad Portable          1.1 Y 01/28/89 rj
BIOS silent partner       1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
Blue Chip PC              1.3 Y 02/21/89 pa1343   Parallel port didn't work
Bullet 286 XT             1.1 Y 01/28/89 hgm
Bullet 286 XT             1.2 Y 01/28/89 hgm
CAF Turbo College         1.2 Y 01/28/89 megevand
Columbia MPC              1.1 Y 01/28/89 allan
Commodore PC-10 I         1.1 N 01/28/89 henkp
Commodore PC-10 II        1.2 Y 01/28/89 ast
Commodore PC-40           1.2 Y 01/28/89 henkp
Compaq 386                1.1 N 01/28/89 ast
Compaq 386                1.3 Y 02/22/89 japplega
Compaq DeskPro            1.2 Y 01/28/89 walker
Compaq DeskPro 286        1.2 Y 01/28/89 walker
Compaq DeskPro 286        1.2 Y 01/28/89 jps
Compaq Portable           1.2 Y 01/28/89 cavender
Compaq Portable 2         1.1 N 01/28/89 ast
Compaq Portable II        1.2 Y 01/28/89 foster
Compaq Portable II        1.1 Y 01/28/89 gopi
CompuAdd Std 286/10       1.1 Y 01/28/89 edhall
CompuAdd Std 286/10       1.2 Y 01/28/89 edhall
CompuAdd 286/12           1.3 P 02/21/89 MICHAELB
Computer Classfd ST/286   1.2 Y 01/28/89 myxm
Corona PC-400             1.2 Y 01/28/89 dtinker
Corona PC-400             1.1 N 01/28/89 broman
Corona PC-400             1.2 Y 01/28/89 broman
Datavue Spark Portable    1.2 Y 01/28/89 tcoram
DEC VAXmate               1.2 Y 01/28/89 bengtb
Deltagold PC              1.2 Y 01/28/89 bogartc
DSC-Turbo (AT)            1.2 Y 01/28/89 lmjm
DTK mothrbd @8MHz w/V20   1.2 Y 01/28/89 ncoverby
DTK/ERSO XT Turbo mtherbd 1.2 P 05/29/89 lyle     Changed xt_wini.c + floppy.c
DTK/ERSO XT Turbo mtherbd 1.3 P 05/29/89 lyle     Changed xt_wini.c + floppy.c
ELT motherboard           1.1 Y 01/28/89 glenn
ELT mthrbrd (10Mhz AT)    1.2 Y 01/28/89 glenn
Epson Equity II           1.2 Y 01/28/89 ppychin
Epson Equity 3            1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
Epson Equity 3            1.2 Y 01/28/89 hysell
Epson PC AX               1.1 Y 01/28/89 chang
Epson PC AX               1.2 Y 01/28/89 chang
Faraday motherboard       1.2 Y 01/28/89 jallen
Ferranti PC860/XT         1.2 Y 01/28/89 jel
Fountain AT               1.1 Y 01/28/89 mclean
Fountain AT               1.2 Y 01/28/89 mclean
Gateway 2000              1.2 Y 03/06/89 tbunnell FD works at slow CPU speed
Goldstar 286S             1.1 Y 05/01/89 ramo
GRiD GridCase 3           1.2 Y 01/28/89 steven
Honeywell AP              1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
HP Vectra                 1.1 N 01/28/89 eric
IBM AT-339                1.2 Y 01/28/89 hysell
IBM PC                    1.2 Y 01/28/89 ganesh
IBM PC/AT @6MHz           1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
IBM PC/AT @8MHz           1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
IBM PC/AT @8MHz,Core HD   1.2 Y 01/28/89 motti
IBM PC/XT 1OM HD          1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
IBM PC/XT 1OM HD          1.2 Y 01/28/89 ast
IBM PC/XT-286             1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
IBM PC Convertible        1.1 N 01/28/89 bdale
IBM PS/2 various          1.1 N 01/28/89 rj
IBM PS/2 mod50            1.2 N 01/28/89 ast
IBM PS/2 Model 80         1.3 P 05/29/89 ackerman
IBS system 2000           1.2 Y 01/28/89 sbanner1
IMC XT, 8MHz V20          1.1 Y 01/28/89 beugel
IMC XT, 8MHz V20          1.2 Y 01/28/89 beugel
Intel iSBC 386AT          1.1 P 01/28/89 jds
Intel iSBC 386AT          1.2 Y 05/29/89 jds
ITT XTRA                  1.2 Y 01/28/89 ast
ITT XTRA                  1.1 Y 01/28/89 allbery
ITT XTRA Prof 700         1.1 N 01/28/89 c0033003
ITT XTRA Professional     1.2 Y 01/25/89 bert     Problems w/HD + 720K floppy
Jameco JE-1003 AT Board   1.2 Y 01/28/89 roskos
Jameco JE-2009 (mini-AT)  1.1 Y 01/28/89 jnall
Jameco JE-2009 (mini-AT)  1.2 Y 01/28/89 jnall
JDR Microdevices Turbo XT 1.3 Y 05/29/89 jds
Kaypro 286i               1.2 Y 01/28/89 comp13
Kaypro 286i               1.2 Y 02/22/89 japplega
Kaypro PC                 1.2 Y 01/28/89 ken
Leading Edge              1.2 Y 01/28/89 ganesh
Leading Edge models M&D   1.2 Y 01/28/89 wegrzyn
Leading Edge MP-1673      1.2 Y 01/28/89 wjc
Leading Edge model D      1.2 N 01/28/89 comberia
Leading Edge Model D      1.1 N 01/28/89 gopi
Leading Edge Model D      1.2 P 02/17/89 supple   Willing to give out patch
Leading Edge Model D      1.3 Y 03/03/89 supple   Changed to work w/30M HD
Leading Edge Model D2     1.2 P 01/28/89 darylm   Works if warm booted
Leading Edge Model D2     1.3 Y 02/22/89 hedrick
Multitech ACCEL 900       1.2 Y 01/28/89 twaites
NCR PC8                   1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
NCR PC-8, Wren 1 HD       1.1 Y 01/28/89 tdavis
NCR PC-8, Wren 1 HD       1.2 Y 01/28/89 tdavis
NEC APC IV, Rev A BIOS    1.1 N 01/28/89 wes
NEC APC IV, Rev B BIOS    1.2 Y 01/28/89 wes
NEC Powermate 386         1.3 Y 02/22/89 japplega
Nokia ASC                 1.2 Y 01/28/89 nispa
Olivetti M24              1.2 Y 01/28/89 vanderpo
Osborne 6T                1.2 Y 01/28/89 nispa
PC's Limited Turbo PC     1.2 Y 01/28/89 sullivan
PC's Limited 286 8MHz     1.1 Y 01/28/89 b_badger
Philips P3101 PC          1.1 Y 01/28/89 willy
Samsung                   1.2 Y 01/28/89 ganesh
Samsung 3001 AT           1.1 Y 01/28/89 kaminski
Sancom AT clone           1.1 Y 01/28/89 nick
Sancom AT clone           1.2 Y 01/28/89 nick
SEFCO AT                  1.1 Y 01/28/89 dhb
Shitel                    1.1 N 01/28/89 ast
Sun IPC                   1.1 Y 01/28/89 paula
Sun IPC                   1.3 Y 02/22/89 paula    Screen shifts when scrolling
Tandon PCA20              1.2 Y 01/28/89 henkp
Tandy 1000                1.1 N 01/28/89 kimery
Tandy 1000                1.2 P 01/28/89 johnc
Tandy 1000                1.3 P 02/22/89 japplega
Tandy 1000A               1.3 P 02/22/89 donw
Tandy 1000A               1.3 P 02/22/89 japplega
Tandy 1000SX              1.1 N 01/28/89 john
Tandy 1000SX              1.3 P 02/22/89 japplega
Tandy 1000EX              1.1 N 01/28/89 john
Tandy 1200 modified       1.2 Y 01/28/89 bdale
Tandy 3000HD w/DGDA       1.1 N 01/28/89 boehmr
Tandy 3000HD w/DGDA       1.2 Y 01/28/89 boehmr
Televideo AT @8MHz        1.2 Y 01/28/89 corley
Televideo Telenix 286     1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
TI Business Pro           1.3 N 02/22/89 japplega
Toshiba T1100+            1.2 Y 01/28/89 bdale
Toshiba T1100+            1.2 Y 01/28/89 stuart
Toshiba T1100+            1.3 Y 05/29/89 jds
Toshiba 5100              1.3 Y 05/02/89 nfs      HD works w/patch
Tulip Compact II          1.1 Y 01/28/89 chang
Tulip Compact II          1.2 Y 01/28/89 chang
Unisys PC-IT		  1.1 Y 01/28/89 allan
Unisys micro IT		  1.1 Y 01/28/89 ast
Unnamed Asian Clone       1.2 Y 01/28/89 arthur@u 
Unisys PW2 850		  1.1 P 03/01/89 allan
Unisys PW2 850		  1.3 Y 05/01/89 allan
Victor Champion (V30)	  1.1 Y 01/28/89 clark
Victor Champion (V30)	  1.2 Y 01/28/89 clark
Victor V286               1.2 Y 05/19/89 d88mj
Win Labs Turbo-AT         1.2 P 01/28/89 roskos
Wyse 2108 AT		  1.2 Y 01/28/89 s1h
Wyse 2112 AT		  1.2 Y 01/28/89 s1h
Xerox 6085 PC emulator    1.2 Y 01/28/89 lindsay
XT-2000                   1.2 Y 01/28/89 subelman
Zenith Z-148		  1.1 Y 01/28/89 rwberry
Zenith Z-148		  1.2 Y	01/28/89 rwberry
Zenith Z-148              1.2 Y 03/02/89 mju
Zenith Z-151              1.2 Y 01/28/89 zemon
Zenith Z-158		  1.1 Y 01/28/89 rwberry
Zenith Z-158		  1.2 Y 01/28/89 rwberry
Zenith 181                1.2 Y 01/28/89 bdale
Zenith Z181-93		  1.1 Y	01/28/89 parson
Zenith Z183               1.3 Y 02/22/89 japplega
Zenith Z-248		  1.1 Y 01/28/89 rwberry
Zenith Z-248		  1.2 Y	01/28/89 rwberry
Zenith Z-248 20 M HD      1.2 Y 01/28/89 ast
Zenith Z-386              1.2 Y 01/28/89 cs002

Optional Hardware
-------- --------

AST EGA, color monitor    1.2 Y 01/28/89 dlawyer
AST EGA, color monitor    1.3 Y 01/28/89 dlawyer
AST EGA, mono monitor     1.2 Y 01/28/89 dlawyer  Scroll only w/Herc emul
AST Six Pack Clock        x.x P 01/28/89 tsp      Supported by posted code
AST Six Pack Premium      x.x P 01/28/89 go       Clock code posted
AST MegaPlus              x.x P 01/28/89 diamant  Simpler clock code posted
AT&T 6300 Floppies        x.x P 01/28/89 ast      Supported by posted mod
ATI EGA Wonder            x.x Y 01/28/89 megevand
Adaptec 2002/Rodime HD    x.x P 01/28/89 bdale    With fix of [n0ano]
Adaptec 2070A RLL HDC     1.2 P 01/28/89 backstro With his mods
Adaptec ACB2072 HDC       1.1 N 01/28/89 wtoomey
Alpha Micro Videotrax     x.x N 01/28/89 zemon    Board is inimical
Bernoulli disk            x.x N 01/28/89 acharya  Problems doing mkfs
CAF multi-IO card         x.x P 01/28/89 megecand Posted clock code
CompuAdd MFC              x.x P 01/28/89 cavender [myxm] clock code worked
Corona PC-400 own display 1.1 N 01/28/89 broman   Cannot scroll
Corona PC-400 own display 1.2 Y 01/28/89 broman
CMS Hard Card (20 Meg)    1.3 Y 02/21/89 pa1343
CT-6040S mono-graphics    x.x P 01/28/89 go       Support by posted fix
DTC-5150BX HDC            x.x P 01/28/89 jel
DTC-5150CX HDC            1.2 N 01/28/89 werner   Wont fsck
Data Technology Corp      x.x Y 01/28/89 ast      AT controller
Epson FX-80 printer       1.1 N 01/28/89 arthur@w Unreliable prtr driver
HC-100 C2 HDC/ST-125 HD   1.2 N 01/28/89 nick
HardCard 20               1.2 Y 01/28/89 dcd
Hercules                  x.x Y 01/28/89 mike     Scrolling problems
Hercules on IMC clone     1.2 Y 01/28/89 beugel
Jameco JE1046 HDC/ST 251  1.2 Y 01/28/89 jnall
IBM PS/2 Mod 50 HD        1.3 N 01/28/89 allbery  Controller incompatible
LCS-6210 HDC              1.1 N 01/28/89 y85
LCS-6210 HDC              1.2 N 01/28/89 y85
MCT multi-IO card         x.x P 01/28/89 myxm     Clock setting code posted
Maynard Corp Hard Card    1.1 N 01/28/89 ganesh
Miniscrib 3012/Philip DCM x.x P 01/28/89 willy    Had to write own driver
Mod.Circ.Tech. AT/FDC HDC x.x Y	01/28/89 roskos   Floppy and wini both work
MonoGraphics MG-150       1.1 Y 01/28/89 edhall
MonoGraphics MG-150       1.2 Y 01/28/89 edhall
Multi-IO card/AMT-ATjr    x.x N 01/28/89 darren   No clock code worked
NCL HDC on AT             x.x N 01/28/89 esc1319  Unexpected traps
NCL HDC                   x.x P 01/28/89 ptk      Runs only with fix
NEC D5126 HDU             x.x P 01/28/89 vanderpo Runs with Oliv-M24 fix
NEC GB-1 (EGA)            x.x N 01/28/89 vizard   Scroll fix unsuccessful
Omti 5527 RLL on ST238    x.x P 01/28/89 megevand Runs with fix
PGC                       x.x Y 01/28/89 sheu
Panasonic 1091 printer    1.3 N 01/28/89 mullen   Loses chars
Persyst BOB               1.1 Y 01/28/89 mullen
Persyst BOB               1.2 Y 01/28/89 mullen
Persyst BOB               1.3 Y 01/28/89 mullen
Printers (various)        1.3 N 01/28/89 various  Characters are dropped
Quadram Quadboard         x.x P 01/28/89 bunda    Clock driver posted
SCSI controller on an AT  1.2 N 01/28/89 verheij  Not supported
ST238R/ST11R RLL HDC      x.x P 01/28/89 willy    Ran with fixes from Usenet
Seagate 216/ OMTI5510 HDC 1.2 N 01/28/89 rende    Cant handle #heads=2
Seagate 4026, IBM Ctrlr   x.x P 01/28/89 shue     Runs with fix of [hubble]
Seagate ST4906 80Mb HD    1.1 P 01/28/89 hubble   Works only w/ fix
Seagate ST4906 80Mb HD    1.2 P 01/28/89 hubble   Works only w/ fix
Seikosha SP1200AI printer x.x N 01/28/89 megevand Bitnet wont work properly
Sigma Designs Color 400   x.x N 01/28/89 bc       Incompatible, causes NMIs
Tandon Tm262 20Mb+WDCtl   x.x Y 01/28/89 sas      OK for 10Mb only
Tandy Dlx Grafix D.Adap.  1.2 P 01/28/89 boehmr   Needs -DSOFTSCROLL like EGA
Tecmar Color Card         1.1 P 01/28/89 jss      Problems like EGA
Tecmar Color Card         1.2 P 01/28/89 jss      Problems like EGA
Tecmar Graphics Master    x.x Y 01/28/89 sbanner1 CGA emul probs like EGA
Toshiba T1100+ 720K       x.x P 01/28/89 stuart   Supported by posted fixes
Toshiba T1100+ display    x.x P 01/28/89 stuart   Scroll problem, mod posted
Video 7 on IBM AT         x.x Y 01/28/89 cline    Screen blanks periodically
WD1002/ST225 HD           1.1 P 01/28/89 allbery  Runs given diff HD params
WD1002S-WX2 HDC, ST225    x.x P 01/28/89 go       Runs with posted fix
WD1002A-WX1/Rodine 204    x.x P 01/28/89 bdale    Runs with fix of [n0ano]
WD1003-WA2/CDC 94205-51   1.2 Y 01/28/89 s1h
WD1003-WA2/Miniscrib 3650 1.1 Y 01/28/89 edhall   OK, fix fsck
WD1003-WA2/Miniscrib 3650 1.2 Y 01/28/89 edhall   OK, fix fsck
WD1003-WA3 FDC            x.x P 01/28/89 comp13   Runs with posted fix
WD27-X/ ST238R HD         1.2 Y 01/28/89 broman   Trouble reading 2d partn
WD HD controllers         1.2 Y 01/28/89 ast      Supported by v1.2 kernel
Wyse WY-440 EGA           1.2 Y 01/28/89 s1h
Xebec HDC, 10Mb HD        1.1 P 01/28/89 mullen   Need fix unless on 1st partn
Xebec HDC, 10Mb HD        1.2 P 01/28/89 mullen   Need fix unless on 1st partn
Xebec HDC 20Mb disk       x.x Y 01/28/89 arthur@w Works,but hd <3Mb only
Z150 Hard Disk            x.x P 01/28/89 n0ano    Works with posted fix
Zenith Z181-93 keyboard   x.x N 01/28/89 parson   FN keys and keypad broke


Basic Operation
----- ---------
1040ST (old TOS)          1.1 Y 05/31/89 uli
1040ST                    1.1 Y 06/02/89 rcd
Mega ST4                  1.1 Y 05/31/89 uli      With or without Blitter

Optional Hardware
-------- --------
Adaptec MFM controller    1.1 Y 06/02/89 rcd
BMS 100 HD                1.1 Y 01/28/89 wheels   fine
BMS Host Adapter          1.1 Y 06/02/89 rcd
Megafile 60               1.1 Y 05/31/89 uli
Miniscribe 3425           1.1 Y 05/31/89 rcd
SH 204                    1.1 Y 05/31/89 uli
SH 205                    1.1 Y 05/31/89 uli
SH 205 (with 40M NEC HD)  1.1 Y 05/31/89 uli
Seagate ST225 HD          1.1 Y 06/02/89 rcd
Supra HD                  1.1 ? 01/28/89 various  some can, some can't

[acharya]       acharya@sbcs
[ackerman]      uunet!uvm-gen!griffin!ackerman
[allan]         allan@dhw68k.cts.com
[allbery]       allbery%ncoast@hal.cwru.edu
[arthur@u]      arthur@ubu.uucp
[arthur@w]      arthur@warwick.uucp
[ast]           ast@cs.vu.nl
[backstro]      backstro@silver.bacs.indiana.edu
[bc]            bc@njitsc1.uucp
[bdale]         bdale@winfree.uucp
[becker]        becker@humber.bitnet
[bengtb]        bengtb@erix.se
[bert]          bert@isc.com
[beugel]        beugel@cs.vu.nl
[boehmr]	boehmr@unioncs.uucp
[bogartc]	bogartc@handel.cs.colostate.edu
[broman]        broman@nosc.mil
[bunda]		bunda@cs.utexas.edu
[b_badger]      b_badger@unhh.bitnet
[c0033003]      c0033003@dbstu1.bitnet
[cavender]      cavender@drivax.uucp
[chang]         chang@philtis.uucp
[clark]		clark@ttidca.tti.com
[cline]         cline@pnet01.cts.com
[comberia]      comberiati@cpesac.uucp
[comp13]        comp13@tjalk.cs.vu.nl
[corley]        corley@cs.rochester.edu
[cs002]         cs002@unocss.uucp
[d88mj]		d88mj@efj.lth.se
[darren]        darren@ethos.uucp
[darylm]        darylm@illian.uucp
[dcd]           dcd@tc.fluke.com
[dhb]           dhb@bek-mc.caltech.edu
[diamant]       diamant@hpfclp.hp.com
[dlawyer]	dlawyer@balboa.eng.uci.edu
[dlong]         dlong@sdsu.uucp
[dono]		dono@killer
[donw]          donw@rwing.uucp
[dtinker]       dtinker@utoronto.bitnet
[edhall]	edhall@rand.org
[eric]          eric@unmvax.unm.edu
[esc1319]       esc1319@ddaesa10.bitnet
[foster]        foster@beno.css.gov
[ganesh]        ganesh@utah-cs.uucp
[glenn]		glenn@extro.ucc.su.oz
[go]            go@orstcs.uucp
[gopi]		gopi@ihlpa
[hedrick]       hedrick@geneva.rutgers.edu
[henkp]         henkp@nikhefk.uucp
[hgm]           hgm@lanl.gov
[hubble]        hubble@cae780.uucp
[hysell]	hysell@kodak.uucp
[jallen]        jallen@netxcom.uucp
[japplega]      japplega@csm9a.colorado.edu
[jcs]           jcs@chinet.uucp
[jds]           jds@mimsy.umd.edu
[jel]           jel@cheviot.newcastle.ac.uk
[jimj]		jimj@iwtjj.att.com
[jnall]		jnall@fsu.bitnet
[johnc]         johnc@mia.uucp
[john]          john@moncol.uucp
[jps]		jps@cup.portal.com
[jss]           jss@sun.com
[kaminski]	v050ky8g@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu
[kav]           kav@ihlpa.att.com
[ken]           ken@driwash.uucp
[kimery]        kimery@wdl1.uucp
[lindsay]       lindsay@cheviot.newcastle.ac.uk
[lmjm]		lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk lmjm@icdoc.uucp
[lyle]          lyle@cse.ogc.edu
[mark-gei]	mark-geisert%ladc@bco-multics.hbi.honeywell.com
[mclean]        mclean@think.com
[megevand]      megevand@cgeuge54.bitnet
[messenge]	Hugh_Messenger.EuroPARC@xerox.com
[MICHAELB]      MICHAELB@vms.macc.wisc.edu
[mike]          mike@bnr-vpa.arpa
[mju]           mju@mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us
[motti]		motti@ocsmd.uu.net
[mullen]        mullen@sdsu.uucp
[myxm]          myxm@lanl.gov
[n0ano]         n0ano@wldrdg.uucp
[ncoverby]      ncoverby@ndsuvax.uucp
[nick]          nick@nswitgould.oz
[nispa]         nispa@hutcs.hut.fi
[pa1343]        pa1343@sdcc15.ucsd.edu
[parson]	rap@carleton.bitnet
[paula]         paula@atc.boeing.com
[pechter]	pechter@dasys1.uucp
[ppuchin]       ppychin@orchid.waterloo.edu
[ptk]           ptk@hutcs.hut.fi
[ramo]          ramo@otax.tky.hut.fi
[rcd]           rcd@mtqua.att.com
[rende]		car@pte.uucp
[rj]		rj@cs.glasgow.ac.uk
[rmtodd]        rmtodd@uokmax.uucp
[roskos]	roskos@csed-1.uucp or roskos@dockmaster.arpa
[rwberry]	rwberry@hubcap.clemson.edu
[s1h]		s1h@sppy00.uucp
[sas]           sas@bcd-dyn.uucp
[sbanner1]      sbanner1@sol.uvic.cdn
[sheu]          sheu@gitpyr.gatech.edu
[steven]        steven@cwi.nl
[steve]         steve@warwick.uucp
[stuart]        stuart@bms-at.uucp
[subelman]      subelman@ttidca.tti.com
[sullivan]      sullivan@marge.math.binghamton.edu
[supple]        ecn.purdue.edu
[tcoram]        tcoram@udcvax.bitnet
[tbunnell]      tbunnell@gallux.gallaudet.edu
[tdavis]        tdavis@enlog.wichita.ncr.com
[tsp]           tsp@killer.uucp
[twaites]       twaites@sicom.uucp
[uli]           uli%analyt.chemie.uni-bochum.dbp.de
[usadacs]	usadacs@simtel20.army.mil
[vanderpo]      tnsgvdp@dutrun.uucp
[verheij]	vrh@mh_co2.mh.nl
[vizard]        vizard@dartvax
[walker]        walker@xanth.uucp
[wegrzyn]       wegrzyn@cdx39.uucp
[werner]        werner@nikhefk.uucp
[wes]           wes@obie.uucp
[wheels]	wheels@mks.uucp
[willy]		willy@idca.tds.philips.nl
[wjc]           wjc@eddie.mit.edu
[wtoomey]       wtoomey@gara.une.oz
[y85]           y85.b-jansson@linus.liu.se
[zemon]         zemon@felix.uucp