[comp.os.minix] yet another request for HELP

ka2czu@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (robert.switzer) (10/24/89)

I am yet another novice user of MINIX in need of help.
I am trying to get MINIX to work on an AT&T PC6300. I tried to order
v1.3 from Prentice-Hall and received v1.2.  I assume that's because
v1.3 is only obtainable through manual upgrades or an upgrade package.
Whatever.  V1.1 does not work with my HD controller in any way shape or
form (I believe I have a WD HD controller).  So, I thought, v1.2 is
supposed to have a later driver included.  V1.1 allows me to boot up
a floppy based system OK but v1.2 is not working at all.

I get to the point where I'm trying to start MINIX and I've inserted the
root file system in drive 0 (the floppy), hit '=' and wait.

I get the following messages:

wini: timeout waiting for INTERRUPT status
wini: timeout waiting for INTERRUPT status
wini: timeout waiting for INTERRUPT status

Kernel panic: Can't read partition table of winchester  0

Type space to reboot

Can someone help?  Having two purchased versions of MINIX should allow
someone to send me working boot/root disks for my PC, no?

By the way, the version I ordered was the 640K version for IBM PC's.
I assume this is for an XT type bus as trying this in an AT&T 6312
get me an unexpected trap ( I think the 6312 has an AT bus ).
Trying this in an IBM PC XT/286 works OK, as expected.

Also, I only have 512K on my system.  Thi didn't seem to cause any
problems for v1.1 and I would have expected I would not have any early
problems like this for 1.2 either.

Any help is gladly welcomed and much appreciated!

Robert Switzer
AT&T, Crawford Corner Rd.
Rm. HO2K318, Holmdel, NJ 07733