[comp.os.minix] Booting MINIX-ST

jdp@uk.ac.city (Jeff Penfold) (11/17/89)


I have been using Minix on my Atari for some months now, with just the
aid of two 720K floppy disks.  The time had come to buy a harddisk so
that I can unpack those sources properly, and really do something.

What I have found since getting the harddisk is that I cannot get Minix
running with the Harddisk attached to the Atari.  I thought to skirt
around this problem by creating a "MINIX.IMG" file on the hard disk, and
then booting Minix with the program "MINIX.PRG".

Sadly, no.

When I created the boot image from the *original* boot disk, "00.Boot",
with the command "rflop a: minix.img 130000",  a file was created.  But,
when I ran the command "minix minix.img", the responce was "minix.img:
wrong format" (or very close to this), why?  How can I get round this?
Can someone send me a fix for this?

Of course, a general problem is why can't I boot from the minix floppy
with the harddisk attached?

Sorry this has been so long, I hope you can help,

				Jeff Penfold

Jeff Penfold :
    E-Mail:  (JANET) jdp@uk.ac.city
    Snail:   Computer Unit, City University, Northampton Sqr, London. EC1V 0HB.
    Phone:   (01)253 4399 x 3763 (Answer Phone will reply if office empty).