[comp.os.minix] email software and support

dal@syntel.mn.org (Dale Schumacher) (11/21/89)

> I have a request for whoever may be working on rs232 driver upgrades.
> Break detection would be nice, but I *NEED* break generation.

I suppose now is as good a time as any to talk about my recent work in
this area.  The 1.4b (aka 1.5.0) Minix-PC seems like it will be available
shortly, and will include (as I understand) Bruce Evans' TTY driver.
I run Minix-ST, and the tty driver is machine specific, so this doesn't
immediately help me.  Some time ago I started looking at why the tty
was so slow and messy (the old Minix-ST tty drivers) and started working
on a new POSIX compliant (_must_ have BREAK) TTY driver for Minix-ST.
In the process, I discovered that the clock driver was eating up a lot
of system resources doing very little work.  That, and the fact that
I needed more timers (one for each _minor_ device number for tty),
prompted a redesign of that section as well.  These changes are not
going to make it into the "official" 1.4b Minix-ST, unfortunately,
but should be available in a week or two for those who want to use them.

> Most systems I use require me to generate a BREAK as part of the
> logon sequence.  Because of this, I've not been able to get the 
> Peter Housel UUPC working.  (I have packet transfer failures with
> the one system I can log onto without a BREAK - a Sys-V system with
> HoneyDanBer UUCP).

Why am I working on TTY?  Because I need a reliable TTY to get all the
uucp software up and running.  I quit developing the mail/news software
under Minix-ST because I couldn't test it without a better tty, and I
don't have that done yet, so I moved over to TOS (and MS-DOS clone) and
have been developing there with an eye toward portability back to *NIX
machines.  I've been working from Peter Housel's uucico (thank you Peter!)
and finding (and fixing) a few bugs there :-(.  Peter may choose to post
an update to the Minix-PC version of his code to fix some of the problems
I found.  In any case, I've gotten the uucico working (7-window works
great) and have been moving outward to other parts of the mail/news
system.  I've picked up a copy of the SMAIL 2.5 sources and after some
fairly extensive modifications (backward compatible) I've ported it to
TOS as the primary mailer-agent.  It's a VERY nice piece of software
and it amazingly small.

Here is a small diagram of the software involved in handling mail:

[mail] -----> [smail] -----> [uux] -->|spool directory|--> [uucico] --
  ^              |             ^                                      |
  |              |             |                                remote system
  |              V             |                                      |
|mailbox| <-- [lmail] <--- [rmail] <--|spool directory|<-- [uucico] --

Other developers locally are working on getting the news software to
run on top of this support, so we will hopefully make full mail/news
software available in the next few months!

\\   /  Dale Schumacher                         399 Beacon Ave.
 \\ /   (alias: Dalnefre')                      St. Paul, MN  55104-3527
  ><    ...umn-cs!midgard.mn.org!syntel!dal     United States of America
 / \\   "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out,
/   \\  which is the exact opposite." -Bertrand Russell