[comp.os.minix] AT - CMOS RT/RAM info wanted

leendert@cs.vu.nl (Leendert van Doorn) (12/11/89)

Hello Netlanders,

I'm looking for some information about the RT/CMOS chip in my AT.
I've got some information, which I'll summarize below, but I need
some more data on the addresses. Currently I know the following
addresses on my RT/CMOS chip:

Description					Address
Real Time Clock					0x00 - 0x0D
floppy disk type				0x10
hard disk type					0x12
diskette, video, and coprocessor info		0x14

What I would like to know is the exact layout of these addresses.
For example, address 0x12 contains a harddisk descriptor. The
bits 7-4 describe the first drive. The value contained is an index
into a table.

Question 1: Do the bits 3-0 (address 0x12) describe the second harddisk ?

Question 2: Does the same apply to address 0x10 (the floppy disk drives) ?
	    That is, do the bits 7-4, 3-0 describe the floppy drives 1 and 2.
	    And does address 0x11 describe the floppy disks 3 and 4 in
	    the same way ?

Question 4: I just got myself a table out of my AT describing about 40
	    harddisk types. Does anyone have a full (= more extensive) table ?

Question 3: Address 0x14 contains information about diskette (number ??),
	    video and coprocessor. How is this information stored ?
	    Currently I known of 4 types of videos, EGA, COLOR 40,
	    COLOR 80, and MONO. Is that all there is ? (NO?:-).

Question 4: What other addresses do exists ?

Most of this information comes from a header file describing
the Motorola MC146818 RealTime Clock/RAM chip. So forgive me
my ignorance.
Since I'm not a very regular News reader, please email the replies
(reading news takes up a considerable amount of time :-). If there is
enough interest, I'll try to post a summary.

	Thanks, Leendert

Leendert van Doorn					<leendert@cwi.nl>
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science		<leendert@cs.vu.nl>
Amoeba project / P.O. Box 4079
1009 AB  Amsterdam / The Netherlands

From: leendert@cs.vu.nl (Leendert van Doorn)
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix,comp.sys.ibm.ps
Subject: AT - CMOS RT/RAM chip info wanted
Reply-To: leendert@cs.vu.nl ()
Distribution: world
Organization: VU Informatica, Amsterdam
Keywords: AT, cmos chip

Hello Netlanders,

I'm looking for some information about the RT/CMOS chip in my AT.
I've got some information, which I'll summarize below, but I need
some more data on the addresses. Currently I know the following
addresses on my RT/CMOS chip:

Description					Address
Real Time Clock					0x00 - 0x0D
floppy disk type				0x10
hard disk type					0x12
diskette, video, and coprocessor info		0x14

What I would like to know is the exact layout of these addresses.
For example, address 0x12 contains a harddisk descriptor. The
bits 7-4 describe the first drive. The value contained is an index
into a table.

Question 1: Do the bits 3-0 (address 0x12) describe the second harddisk ?

Question 2: Does the same apply to address 0x10 (the floppy disk drives) ?
	    That is, do the bits 7-4, 3-0 describe the floppy drives 1 and 2.
	    And does address 0x11 describe the floppy disks 3 and 4 in
	    the same way ?

Question 4: I just got myself a table out of my AT describing about 40
	    harddisk types. Does anyone have a full (= more extensive) table ?

Question 3: Address 0x14 contains information about diskette (number ??),
	    video and coprocessor. How is this information stored ?
	    Currently I known of 4 types of videos, EGA, COLOR 40,
	    COLOR 80, and MONO. Is that all there is ? (NO?:-).

Question 4: What other addresses do exists ?

Most of this information comes from a header file describing
the Motorola MC146818 RealTime Clock/RAM chip. So forgive me
my ignorance.
Since I'm not a very regular News reader, please email the replies
(reading news takes up a considerable amount of time :-). If there is
enough interest, I'll try to post a summary.

	Thanks, Leendert

Leendert van Doorn					<leendert@cwi.nl>
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science		<leendert@cs.vu.nl>
Amoeba project / P.O. Box 4079
1009 AB  Amsterdam / The Netherlands