(Andy Tanenbaum) (12/25/89)
I have now prepared the commands/subdirs for posting, but it is another 500K on top of what has already been sent out. Apparently mailers are choking on the current stuff worldwide already, so I will hold off for a couple of days until they have digested their Christmas dinner. The 1.3 binaries of all the commands/subdirs should work, so there is no real need to have the new ones right now. There are also scattered reports of files being truncated. If this is very widespread, the truncated files can be reposted, but lets first see how much got lost and where. There does not appear to be any correlation with file size and probability of being truncated. All the posted files were 60K or less. I sent along the crcs of the postings themselves, so you can easily see if you got the whole thing. Andy Tanenbaum (
overby@plains.UUCP (Glen Overby) (12/25/89)
Those people who did recieve a truncated file, or missed a posting can get a new copy from one of the archive sites which have good copies of everything. I have a good copy of the release in the archive I maintain on / ndsuvm1.bitnet. This machine is connected to Bitnet and the Internet, and should be reachable from anywhere else by mail. Here is my "advertisement" of our site: At NDSU we have two archives of information about Minix on our LISTSERV. The first is an automated log of all messages sent to the MINIX-L list, and the other is an manually organized archive of sources sent to the list. Both are accessed by sending either interactive messages (bitnet only) or mail (all other networks) to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1. Some possible addresses from other networks are: Bitnet: listserv@ndsuvm1 Internet: listserv@vm1.NoDak.EDU [] UUCP: psuvax1!ndsuvm1.bitnet!listserv **NOTE** Many Unix sites have had difficulty contacting this server because it is VERY stringent about what it accepts as valid mail. Also, replies to uucp will *not* follow the same path back as the request was sent on. This machine does "smart routing". The mailing list logs are kept in the "MINIX-L" section, with all filenames of the form: MINIX-L LOGyymmw where "yy" is the year, "mm" is the numeric month and "w" is an alphabetic character from A to E indicating what week of the month. Several months of log files are kept on-line, the number depending on disk space availability. Database functions are also available on the listserv to aid in searching this archive. To obtain a "Subject" index of the MINIX-L archives, send the listserv a file or mail with the fol- lowing "job" in the message body: // JOB Echo=No Database Search DD=Rules //Rules DD * search * in minix-l since 89/12/01 index and you will be sent a file containing all of the 'Subject:' lines sent to MINIX-L@NDSUVM1 (the Bitnet side of the Minix dis- cussion lists) since July 1, 1988. If you wish to request one or more items, replace the 'index' line in the above job with 'print [refnum]' where 'refnum' is the reference number contained in the index listing. Documentation on all database functions is avail- able by sending the following command (contents of the body of a message) to the listserv: INFO DATABASE The other (manually maintained) archives are kept in the "MINIX" section. If you use anonymous FTP, cd to the directory "MINIX" and everything is there in a flat directory. To obtain a list of the files in either of these archive sec- tions, send the command: INDEX MINIX or INDEX MINIX-L Files are retrieved with the 'GET' command: GET MORE INFO MINIX to get the file "MORE INFO" from the group "MINIX". For a complete list of information on the listserv: INFO ? Due to the 80-character per line (punched card) limit on Bitnet mail, many of the files will be shipped using an encoding scheme that allows logical lines to be split up into many physical lines. The default for going to other networks is "Listserv Punch". Information on obtaining a program to decode listserv punch format is sent with each encoded file. This archive is maintained by Glen Overby at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND USA Internet: nu070156@vm1.NoDak.EDU Bitnet: nu070156@ndsuvm1.bitnet -- Glen Overby <> uunet!plains!overby (UUCP) ncoverby@ndsuvax, overby@plains (Bitnet)