HIGGS_M%P1.LANCSP.AC.UK@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Mike Higgs) (01/19/90)
Hi all, I am mighty cheesed off after spending most of the day messing about with the hard disk on my Bull Micral 200. Anyway here's the story.. I wanted to have multiple Minix partitions on my disk as well as a small dos partition. My idea was to have a /usr, a /user, a /tmp to save ram disk space, a / area from which to load the ram disk at boot time and another to load the 1.5 stuff onto to play around with. The first thing I did was to fdisk the drive from dos to set up a primary and an extended partition, then I split the extended partition up into 5 parts ( D, E, F, G, H in dos-speak ). After doing this I formatted each partition and restored most of my dos partition. I then booted minix and mkfs-ed the partitions to the required sizes, this went off without a hitch (or rather, no errors! ). I managed to mount /dev/hd2 onto /usr O.K. But when I attempted to mount /dev/hd3 onto /user ( so I could copy my ramdisk image to it ), I got a "Not a directory" error message from mount. I tried umounting /dev/hd2 and mounting that onto /tmp and it worked O.K. When I tried to df /dev/hd2 I got the correct number of blocks but /dev/hd3, and /dev/hd4 both caused the message "Can't read superblock". I thought that mkfs should look after this?? Anyway, thinking that I had an incompatible system, I tried it on two other machines, an ACER 915V ( 286 box, pheonix bios, Seagate hard disk ) and a Dell System 200 ( Award bios ), neither of which have given us any trouble with compatibility with other software or "hardware-intensive" networks in the and they did exactly the same things. I really hope that it's something I'm doing wrong and that somebody can give me the answer to my problems. The reason that I thought that it was the machine was because dosread doesn't work on my hard disk whereas it worked OK on a Dell system 210 and when Minix is booting, I only get 640k total memory when on the Dell, I get the full amount ( they do have the same amounts of memory ). If someone could help out with this problem, I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance... Mike Higgs School of Computing, JANET : higgs_m@uk.ac.lancsp.p1 Lancashire Polytechnic, EARN : higgs_m@p1.lancsp.ac.uk Preston, U.K. PR1 2TQ.