[net.unix-wizards] VMCORE adb

thomas (08/09/82)

My procedure is roughly the following:

0. Run ps on the core file to get process number, etc. for the process
you are interested in.

1. Run /etc/analyze, note the page table entries for the process you
are interested in.  The last one covers the user structure.

2. adb vmunix vmcore
   The map should look something like
? map	    `vmunix.23'
b1 = 80000000	     e1	= 80019d84	  f1 = 20
b2 = 8001a000	     e2	= 8001fa78	  f2 = 19da4
/ map	    `vmcore.23'
b1 = 80000000	     e1	= -1		  f1 = 0
b2 = 0		     e2	= 0		  f2 = 0

3. Multiply the page table entry you got in step one by 200, this is
the address of the page table in vmcore.  Look at the next 80 (hex)
locations with a /X format (i.e. if the page table were at 0af800 you
would say
the 80000000 is added to put the address into kernel space).  There
will be a number of entries at the end of the list that look
like fxxxxxxx.  These are the user structure entries.  The last two
point to the stack (and will be consecutive numbers).  Take the bottom
4 digits of the second to last entry, multiply by 200 to get the
address of the first stack page.  Set the second half of the / map to
point to this page.  If the last 2 lines of the page table were
		f40002a6	f40002a7	f40002c2	f80002c3
		f00002e2	f00002e3	f400029c	f400029d
then you would multiply 29c by 200 getting 53800 and set the map
/*m 7ffffc00 7fffffff 53800
to point to the stack at the proper address.

4. Look at first 14 words beginning of the user structure.  Using the
example above, multiply 2a6 by 200 giving 54c00, then say
80054c00:	7ffffe3c	-1		-1		7fffedbc
		1d1000		8001fbe0	8003a904	3
		0		0		12104		12150
		80038db4	18		8002072c	8003a974
		7ffffe5c	7ffffe3c	800060ab	c00004
The first number is the stack pointer, so stick it into usp:
The first number in the 4th line is the ap, next is the fp and
following that is the pc:

5. Finally you are ready to do the stack trace:
_sleep(800348fc,14) from 800060ab
_iowait(800348fc) from 8000f8b7
_bread(0,1b) from 8000f392
_iupdat(800363f0,8001fd0c,8001fd0c,0) from 80002b86
_iput(800363f0)	from 80002a81
_closef(80038db4) from 800024b1
_exit(0) from 800074be
_rexit() from 8000742b
_syscall() from	800098be
_Xsyscall() from 80000e70
data address not found

With a little more cleverness, assuming the user process is swapped in,
you could probably trace it back into the user program (using the user
program as symbol table, of course).  What really needs to be done is
for somebody to encapsulate this into a program, since it is purely
