(Bart Muyzer) (02/06/90)
I started doing the update from MINIX-ST 1.1 to MINIX-ST 1.5.0, and came
across some problems which I will describe here. The numbers refer to the
steps in Frans Meulenbroeks' update guide.
4) 'make' won't compile the first time under ST 1.1 since some include
files are missing. I solved this by performing steps 14-19 before
doing step 4. Step 14-19 describe the creation of a new /usr/include.
Don't forget to create /usr/include/minix and /usr/include/sys with:
cpdir /usr/oldinclude/minix /usr/include/minix
cpdir /usr/oldinclude/sys /usr/include/minix
The oldinclude/minix and oldinclude/sys directories can be removed
now. Should there still be problems, then adding "-I/usr/oldinclude"
to the CFLAGS macro in the appropriate makefiles does help. Maybe it's
even better to move the missing includefiles to /usr/include, since
the oldinclude directory is removed after the upgrade.
8) I had to edit the makefile for 'patch' and changed .s into .o. Also
added the line "#define NDEBUG" to common.h before assert.h is
included. This prevents you from the message: "Undefined: ___assert"
11) crc.c is somewhere in the PC 1.5.0 distribution...
Get it from there, or use an older version.
20) This should be: patch < lib.h.cdif lib.h (Thanks Jack!)
30) In the directories ansi, posix, and other:
- Save the original makefiles,
- mv st_makefile makefile.
In the directory atari:
- edit makefile and add "-DATARI_ST -DACK" to the CFLAGS macro.
In the directory posix:
- edit getpwent.c and change PRIVATE to PUBLIC for the routines
- edit getgrent.c and change PRIVATE to PUBLIC for the routines
Some of these tips/changes have been posted before by Jack Dunn, Kai-Uwe
Bloem, and others.
I didn't go any further, but I'll post any new experiences as soon as I have
them. Experiences, good or bad :-(, are always welcome!
>] Bart [<
Bart Muijzer, Department of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands______________
Email:, UUCP: ...!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!bartm |Hardware likes
Phone: +31-3404-19844 ext. 390 (work), +31-5443-71082 (home) |soft treatment
Bart Muijzer, Department of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands______________
Email:, UUCP: ...!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!bartm |Hardware likes
Phone: +31-3404-19844 ext. 390 (work), +31-5443-71082 (home) |soft treatment