HIGGS_M%P1.LANCSP.AC.UK@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Mike Higgs) (02/09/90)
Hi all, I have been having, what I think are strange, problems with MINIX 1.3 on some of the 286 boxes here. I use a Bull Micral 200 for Minix which has 1mb of memory. When I boot Minix it says that the memory size is 640k, leaving, after the ram disk has loaded, 282k. I am currently awaiting a memory upgrade to 2mb. We have a few Dell machines, system 210 types, with 1mb of memory the same as my Bull, but when Minix is booted, it gives 768k total memory. One of the Dells has got 2mb, but when minix is booted on this one, it gives just 640k again. This is with the same boot disk and the same root disk. I am currently collecting the 1.5 stuff from an archive site, but in the meantime, I would really like to know why this is happening and what I can do about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I had thought at first that it was the Bull at fault but now the 2mb Dell is giving the same symptoms, I am not so sure.. Thanks in advance.. Mike Higgs School of Computing, JANET : higgs_m@uk.ac.lancsp.p1 Lancashire Polytechnic, EARN : higgs_m@p1.lancsp.ac.uk Preston, U.K. PR1 2TQ.