[comp.os.minix] How to make ELLE ?

IZPH%MUSICB.MCGILL.CA@vm1.cc.mcgill.ca (IZPH000) (02/14/90)

I got all the files for elle (codea to codeg, doca to docd, sba to sbc, maka and
makb, and misc) from listserv@ndsuvm1 and read elle.doc to make elle.

When I did make, there was a "cc -i -c -O deffun.c" and cpp complained deffun.c
does not exist. I tried to grep deffun.c anf deffun.s but grep silently
returned . So I touched deffun.c and did another make.

But I didn't get much further. elib.a was not properly created and libsb.a was
never made.

I coudn't understand the following lines in the Makefile :

B-elle: $(CORE_OFILES) $(FUN_OFILES) elle.h eesite.h libsb.a
        $(RANLIB) elib.a
        cc -i -o xelle -u _main elib.a libsb.a

        echo "RANLIB = echo" > makecf.rl
        -sh -c "if ranlib; then (echo \"RANLIB = ranlib\" > makecf.rl;) fi"

        make -f sbmake sbnoran
        $(RANLIB) libsb.a

The lines
                $(RANLIB) elib.a

                $(RAMLIB) libsb.a

result in complaints from sh : elib.a not found ; libsb.a not found.

To make the long story short, I have three questions :

        1/- Do I need deffun.c, if I do and you have it, would you please
            email to me.
        2/- How can I make ELLE, even manually.
        3/- I also get occasional message "bombed out of codegen", but when
            I checked the s files, they were there.
            Does cg generate partial s files ?

Thank you in advance.

Phi-Ho Hoang.