[comp.os.minix] Adendum to my previous posting.

mcm@peach.ucsb.edu (Marcelo C. Mourier) (03/13/90)

	Here are a couple of additional tips for the 1.3 -> 1.5.0 upgrade.

- The two commands ls.c and more.c can't be patched with the posted .cdif
  files.  I just found out that AST posted the full .c files some time ago.
  You'll find them in the archives as the following two postings:

		5068@ast.cs.vu.nl - ls.c
		5069@ast.cs.vu.nl - more.c

- The lib/ibm assembler routines are the same as the 1.3 ones, with the
  exception of head.s (which was posted separately in the 1.5.0 upgrade).
  However, AST reposted them in 5031@ast.cs.vu.nl, along with some additional
  comments.  Take a look at them.  You still have to get all the compiler
  specific assembly routines (and.s, xor.s, etc.) from the 1.3 libc.a archive
  file, though.

- It was pointed out that 1.5.0's test #20 could destroy your file system.
  Don't run it!!!

- Make frequent back-up's as you progress along the upgrade;e.g., the new
  library files, the new commands, etc.  Remember that the 1.5.3 diff's are
  against 1.5.0's, so you may want to be safe in case of an "accident"...

Good luck!

Marcelo - mcm@cs.ucsb.edu