[comp.os.minix] Wanted C programmers

cagney@chook.ua.oz (Andrew Cagney - aka Noid) (03/25/90)

As part of creating an upgrade kit, I've written several shell scripts.
The problem is, shell scripts tend to use obscure UNIX commands to do things.
Such commands are not likely to be included in a minimal root disk needed when
doing upgrades.

Is any one interested in rewriting them for me in C?

Specifically, rewriting them in C assuming
	- Only the system calls listed in ast's book (pp 22)
	  with care about 1.5.5/posix compatibility. I'd like them
	  to be backward compatible (No I don't work for IBM :-).
	- /tmp is a good size (200k say).

Currently I have two scripts that should be rewritten:

	keep file-list [ directory ]
		remove any file not in the file file-list from `directory'

	crc-diff crc-list [ directory ]
		Yet another crc checking program.

If you are interested in doing this send me mail, if no one is interested
I'll get to it in a few weeks :-(

					Andrew Cagney.