rattan@frith.msu.edu (Ishwar Rattan) (05/15/90)
I am interested in networking Zenith-159/3s in the OS laboratory using Minix 1.5.x networking kernel. To this end, I would like to buy a 80386 (20-33 Mhz) based commercial PC that will run Minix in protected mode to act as a file server. If anybody out there is using a name brand (e.g., Zenith) 80386 machine, please let me know (via-email) the config. (+modifications to Minix if any) of the machine. I am interested in a 80386 with 4Mb RAM (+cache?), 80-120 Mb MFM/RLL hard disk with a mono card. Thanks in advance. - ishwar rattan (rattan@frith.egr.msu.edu)