[comp.os.minix] bash for MINIX 68k part 1

guest@albert.ai.mit.edu (Guest Account) (05/26/90)

In article <TOMW.90May23002947@orac.esd.sgi.com> tomw@esd.sgi.com writes:
>In article <8577@life.ai.mit.edu> guest@albert.ai.mit.edu (Guest Account) writes:
>> Here is the best shell I have ever used on MINIX. 
>I just talked to Brian Fox, and he would really appreciate it if you
>would send him diffs for whatever you changed.  He also wants to know
>what version of bash you ported because if it's for an old version, he
>would like you to try it with a newer one.
I did a very quick job of the port (one weekend).  There are no diffs,
I didn't keep track of what I did.  There weren't many changes, just a
gcc-crash-elvis-gcc cycle.  Whenever there was a missing library routine
I just made up a fake one (ulimit is Very Fake <I hate ulimit anyway>)
The only real tough part was simulating fcntl(..., NDELAY).  I put in a
routine which starts up a child, counts to 20 or so and kills it.  The
child reads one char and calls exit(ch).  The parent examines the exit
status.  I call the function cr*ppy_read(), fortunately it does not get
called in real life very much (at all?).  The sources were 1.05 + patches
off of prep.ai.mit.edu.  I may have time to upload the whole thing, but
I use kermit over telnet through many gateways to get here, so it's painfully