[comp.os.minix] 1.2M maj,min? + cdiff addition

wkt@rodos2.cs.adfa.oz.au (Warren Toomey) (09/05/90)

Could anybody please tell me what the major, minor, block values are
for an IBM-PC 1.2M floppy reading 1.2M floppies? Other floppies?

P.S Here is a patch to cdiff.c, which includes the crc of the old and
    new files. It hasn't been tested under Minix, just Unix, but the
    changes are small (about 10 lines).

    Warren Toomey

begin 700 cdiff.cdif
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       Warren Toomey VK2XWT, tired
 Deep in the bowels of ADFA Comp Science.
`Have you seen my white fluffy one around?'

ast@cs.vu.nl (Andy Tanenbaum) (09/07/90)

In article <1877@ccadfa.adfa.oz.au> wkt@rodos2.cs.adfa.oz.au (Warren Toomey) writes:
>Could anybody please tell me what the major, minor, block values are
>for an IBM-PC 1.2M floppy reading 1.2M floppies? Other floppies?
center allbox;
c s s s s s s
l c c c c c l.
\fBMinor devices for diskette/drive combinations\fR
\fBName	Minor dev.	Inches	Drive	Diskette	Size	Parameters\fR
/dev/fd0	\00	5.25	360K	360K/1.2M	All	Variable
/dev/fd1	\01	5.25	360K	360K/1.2M	All	Variable
/dev/pc0	\04	5.25	360K	360K	360K	Fixed
/dev/pc1	\05	5.25	360K	360K	360K	Fixed
/dev/at0	\08	5.25	1.2M	1.2M	1.2M	Fixed
/dev/at1	\09	5.25	1.2M	1.2M	1.2M	Fixed
/dev/qd0	 12	5.25	720K	360K	360K	Fixed
/dev/qd1	 13	5.25	720K	360K	360K	Fixed
/dev/ps0	 16	3.5\0	720K	720K	720K	Fixed
/dev/ps1	 17	3.5\0	720K	720K	720K	Fixed
/dev/pat0	 20	5.25	1.2M	360K	360K	Fixed
/dev/pat1	 21	5.25	1.2M	360K	360K	Fixed
/dev/qh0	 24	5.25	1.2M	720K	720K	Fixed
/dev/qh1	 25	5.25	1.2M	720K	720K	Fixed
/dev/PS0	 28	3.5\0	1.44M	1.44M	1.44M	Fixed
/dev/PS1	 29	3.5\0	1.44M	1.44M	1.44M	Fixed

>P.S Here is a patch to cdiff.c, which includes the crc of the old and
>    new files. It hasn't been tested under Minix, just Unix, 

C'mon Warren.  You should know better than that.  Please test software on
the machine it is intended for before posting it.  There are so many things
that can go wrong, that testing is really essential.

Andy Tanenbaum (ast@cs.vu.nl)