terjeb@eik.ii.uib.no (hjelp stud khalid) (03/17/90)
I have got the ST 1.1 version of minix. Now I want to upgrade. As far as I know I should then start with the 1.5.0 version of minix. Am I right, or should I start with an older version. As far as I have understood the ST 1.1 == IBM 1.3 Terje Bergesen : terjeb@eik.ii.uib.no ---------------------------------------------
dhavill@rucs2.uucp (David Havill) (09/18/90)
What's the cheapest method for trading in my 360k version of minix for the 1.2 MB version? I just recently upgraded to a 386 and my system will no longer accept the old format. I sure wouldn't want to pay another $79.95 for new sources...