[comp.os.minix] out_word

shamash@cs.columbia.edu (Ari Shamash) (10/08/90)

I am currently writing a device driver for a controller that
inputs/outputs words at a time, instead of bytes.

So, I took _out_byte from klib.x, and attempted to convert it to
_out_word.  I don't know much about either '386 assembly or how
arguments are placed and removed from the stack, so I'm not sure if
this is correct or not.  Should this work????

	pop	bx
	pop	dx		| port
	pop	ax		| value
	sub	sp,#2+2
	out			| output 1 byte
	jmp	(bx)

	pop	bx
	pop	dx		| port
	pop	ax		| value
	sub	sp,#2+2
	outw			| output 1 word (??)
	jmp	(bx)

I'm working on a PS/II model 80, if that makes any difference.  This
code should run in the 16bit protected mode..
