[comp.os.minix] ST1.5.10.2 LPR panics and GNU kernel

AJB%DLVH.DARESBURY.AC.UK@pucc.princeton.edu (10/08/90)

Having recently progressed to a GNUC 1.36 kernel the LPR problem I posted
a few days ago has raised its ugly head again. I find that doubling the
size of the WINCH_STACK is not enough.... it needs quadrupling.

Change the line in /usr/src/kernel/table.c #define WINCH_STACK SMALL_STACK

The following info was requested by someone on UUCP  I cannot
email directly. It concerns applying Andy's GNU patches. Apologies for a
putative waste of bandwidth but it may prove useful to others. Andy will
hopefully correct me if I make a mistake.

1. Apply all cdifs. Copy replacement files (e.g. Makefiles) across
2. Make sure the compiler is looking at the correct headers, add e.g. a
   -I/usr/include or equivalent to all compilation steps if not.
3. Get the compiler libraries sorted out first. I did this starting with
   the 32-bit library by doing a 'make -f Makefile.32' in each of
   ANSI, OTHER, POSIX and GNU; renamed crtso.o to crtso32.o and MVed
   it to /usr/local/lib, similarly for head.o and end.o
   Then create a libc32.a file using 'gcc-ar rs' on all the remaining object
   files. Proceed similarly for the 16-bit library (libc.a crtso.o head.o
   & end.o) using the Makefile.16 files.
   Why didn't I use /usr/src/lib/Makefile for all the above? The answer
   a) It assumes there will be a file called 'Makefile' or 'makefile' in
      the subdirectories and I was too lazy to make the makefile refer
      to the .16 and .32 files.
   b) I was bitten by the GCC-AR 1.36 bug that Wolfgang mentioned recently.
4. If you want PS to work, edit the kernel, mm & fs makefiles and get rid
   of the -s switch in the GCC-LD options. Compile kernel, fs & mm using
   standard ACK makefile. You don't need to GNU the latter directory, its
   only used when booting the kernel after all, and if you try a bug in GAS
   will apparently clobber you.
5. Boot up using the new MINIX.IMG. If you want PS to work you'll need
   to run Wolfgangs recently posted GSYMS program on kernel.mix, fs.mix,
   & mm.mix before doing a ps -U

MINIX now moves FTL. Thanks Andy.

NB: I run GNU 1.36  Things might be different for other versions of GNU.

Alan Bleasby
SEQNET manager
Daresbury Laboratory
Warrington UK