[comp.os.minix] login fix, virtual consoles, talk

TEMARI%ECAMV1.dnet.ge.com@vm1.nodak.edu (10/15/90)

When using the virtual console driver from Gordon Irlam it assigns the
rs232 ports to tty64 and tty65, but login.c does not handle more than
one digit tty numbers.  So here is a fix to login.c to handle more than
one digit tty numbers.  Also this will alow talk, posted by Dave Regan
to allow you to talk to users on tty64 and tty65.

crc before: 49175  8007
crc after:  04309  8093

Michael Temari                                    temari@ecamv1.dnet.ge.com
>  *
>  * Michael A. Temari	October 1990
>  *  - handle more than single digit tty devices
< #define DIGIT 			      3
< #define MOTD 		    "/etc/motd"
< #define TTY  		         "tty?"
> #define MOTD 		    "/etc/motd"
> #define TTY  		         "tty"
>   char ttynum[4];
< 	ttyname[DIGIT] = '0' + ttynr;
> 	strcat(ttyname,itoa(ttynr,ttynum,10));