[comp.os.minix] RLL hard disk driver

ejost@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Ernest J. Obusek) (10/15/90)

Hello.  I'm looking for advice on how to get Minix 1.5 to work with my
RLL hard disk driver (from Data Technology).  I have a 386 AT with 4 megs
of RAM, but have to run in real mode with the BIOS driver.

Thank you.



fanj%remb6489.wpd.sgi.com@sgi.com (Fan Jiao 9U-510 x1615) (10/15/90)

I have been using WD10006-SV2 RLL controller with a RLL disk for Minix.
I think Minix 1.5 supports both RLL and EDSI disks.
Fan Jiao(Chiao)           
x 1615 | M/S 9U-510