[comp.os.minix] Virtual memory or swapping

kjh@aludra.usc.edu (Kenneth J. Hendrickson) (11/06/90)

In article <211@minixug.mugnet.org> waltje@minixug.mugnet.org (Fred van Kempen) writes:
>In article <1990Oct31.224953.7915@dsuvax.uucp>, ghelmer@dsuvax.uucp (Guy Helmer) wrote:
>> Is anyone with SPARC, 68030, or 80[34]86 chips working on adding
>> demand paged virtual memory to MINIX?
>Someone at the Free University (VU) in Amsterdam (NL) has written a
>swapper for MINIX.

I don't see any reason why virtual memory couldn't be implemented even
on a brain dead '286, 8086, or 8088.  The 64k + 64k process limit would
still be there, but machines with only 640k might greatly benefit.

favorite oxymorons: military intelligence, honest politician, civil war
Ken Hendrickson N8DGN/6       kjh@usc.edu      ...!uunet!usc!pollux!kjh