(Remy CARD) (11/16/90)
A friend of mine has problems with booting Minix 1.5. He has a PC/AT computer with 2MB of memory and a Seagate 296N SCSI drive. In order to boot, he must use the boot diskette with the BIOS disk driver so he cannot use the 80286 protected mode. Has anyone written a SCSI driver for Minix 1.5 ? Where can I find this software ? Thanks in advance. +-----------------------------------o--------------------------------------+ | Remy CARD | E-mail : | | Universite Pierre et Marie Curie | | | Laboratoire MASI, CNRS UA 818 | | | 4 Place Jussieu | Tel : +33 (1) | | F-75252 PARIS CEDEX 05 | Fax : +33 (1) | | FRANCE | Telex : UPMCSIX 200-145 F | +-----------------------------------o--------------------------------------+