[comp.os.minix] ST MINIX and ICD boot drive selection

AJB@dlvh.daresbury.ac.uk (12/31/90)

Hello chaps,

There is a nasty feature associated with using the ICD host-adapter
HDUTIL program to select a bootable hard drive partition on a drive
where MINIX is installed. It bit me a long time ago and its just
bitten someone else so I'm posting before I forget again.

The problem is that, suppose you want to make drive C the TOS boot
partition, the HDUTIL software dutifully makes a boot sector on 'C' but
also wipes the boot sectors on all other partitions just to be safe :-|
You, of course, end up with an 'Invalid file system' the next time you
try to access your MINIX partitions.

If someone can mail me an email address for ICD I'll suggest they put
an option in their program that asks before it gobbles. Thanks

Alan Bleasby
SERC Daresbury Laboratory
Warrington WA4 4AD  UK