[comp.os.minix] Shoelace... PC only?

laverman@cs.rug.nl (Bert Laverman) (01/10/91)


  I'm posting this question, although I think probably C.E. Chew is the
most likely person to answer it. This is the damnedest situation, because
allthough the archives are overflowing with his software (shoelace,
estdio), I can't find his email address. Earl (that is your name isn't
it? sorry if I goof), I hope you can help me.

  The question is simply: how portable do you think is Shoelace?
	(apart from the assembly files offcourse)
  It seems like a wunderfull package to be able to run. Atari harddisks
have partition tables and can be bootable in much the same fashion as
are PC/XT/AT disks. (Haven't heard of anyone ever booting his/her hardisk
on anything else than TOS, but I'm removing TOS from it, so I would
like to try)
  I'm not really interested in the ability to run programs before starting
Minix, but Shoelace does seem to give the system a single-user mode to
fall back to, opening up ways for making a really nice shutdown(1).
Currently I have to switch to TOS if I want to park my disk... :-(
  Like you mention in the Shoelace docs, booting from floppies is cumbersome.
There exists a program called MINIX.PRG, to start from TOS, but using it
damages the reboot vectors, so the only way to stop Minix is by switching
off the power :-(.

Summarizing; If it can be done with PC's, why not with ST's?

Hopefully awaiting responses,

Bert Laverman

    Disclaimer: Don't blame my Boss,
		He doesn't know what I'm saying either.
/								      \
|  "The only problem with parameterization is that		      |
|   you never have enough parameters"	- J.B. Goodenough	      |
|					  at the RMISE Reuse Workshop |

	Bert Laverman
  Dept. of Computing Science		laverman@cs.rug.nl
  National Univ. of Groningen		bert@arrakis.nl.mugnet.org
  P.O.Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen
  The Netherlands			(+31 50)/(050) 633948

archer%segin4.segin.fr@relay.prime.com (Vincent Archer) (01/10/91)

Bert Laverman <laverman@cs.rug.nl> said:
[about shoelace being portable]
>   It seems like a wunderfull package to be able to run. Atari harddisks
> have partition tables and can be bootable in much the same fashion as
> are PC/XT/AT disks. (Haven't heard of anyone ever booting his/her hardisk
> on anything else than TOS, but I'm removing TOS from it, so I would
> like to try)

There was such a package for ST. The stpart program from Steve Kirkendall
(kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu) contains code to make an atari HD bootable directly
under Minix. There's still a problem with your autoboot HD (once that cannot
be bypassed, sigh :-), and it's that you can NEVER use TOS with your HD again,
even if you try to boot from the HD utility disk...

> Currently I have to switch to TOS if I want to park my disk... :-(

That's why I still have a bootable TOS. Once minix-st support minor device 15
(that was one reserved for disk park, if I remember the my patch .2 or .3
correctly), there will be no reason to support my small 1Mo partition...

>   Like you mention in the Shoelace docs, booting from floppies is cumbersome.
> There exists a program called MINIX.PRG, to start from TOS, but using it
> damages the reboot vectors, so the only way to stop Minix is by switching
> off the power :-(.

I haven't been able to even boot Minix using the .PRG booter. :-(

> Summarizing; If it can be done with PC's, why not with ST's?

Everything that PCs can do, 68000s can do better! :-)

	Vincent Archer
	Email: archer%segin4.segin.fr@relay.prime.com

Thou shalt run lint frequently and study its pronouncements with care, for
verily its perception and judgement oft exceed thine.
  -- 1st commandment for C programmers