wkt@rodos2.cs.adfa.oz.au (Warren Toomey) (02/14/91)
This is in response to the `Most Wanted Feature' thread in comp.os.minix. Glen Overby has set up a Projects subdirectory on plains:pub/Minix. The idea is to leave a resume of any Minix project you are currently doing, to solicit comments etc. from other people, and to stop well-meaning programmers from duplicating your work. The directory contains the following files: README Gives some general instructions about the directory Previouswork A list of Minix projects that have already been done Wishlist A list of projects that people want done (feel free to add to this list) Other files The projects people are currently doing This directory is basically anarchial. Nobody is moderating what wishes or project resumes are left in it. Therefore please exercise some restraint! CALL TO PROGRAMMERS: Please put a resume of your Minix work in here so we can all see what you are doing, and maybe give ideas etc. CALL TO WISHERS: Leave your wishes here to give programmers some inspiration. Remember There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - if you want it, you may have to get out and write it. I've also left the current list of POSIX projects in the directory. This work is probably the most important for Minix at the moment, so I am including the list below. If you have an urge to program, help out with the POSIX work! How to access the files: Ftp to plains.nodak.edu [], cd pub/Minix/Projects, get any or all the files etc. If you want to leave a resume, write one & send it via ftp. For those not fortunate enough to be on the Internet itself, plains runs the Clarkson server to process mail requests. The addresses for the server are: archive-server@plains.nodak.edu {umn-cs, ogicse, uunet}!plains!archive-server (UUCP) fileserv@plains (Bitnet) To obtain more information on the server, send the command: help [Ed: Knowing the apathy of the net, this idea probably won't work, but at least we gave it our best shot. ] Appendix: The Posix List Below is the (partial) list of the utilities/libraries in Minix that need POSIXising. This is to make Minix 2.0 a conforming POSIX system. Andy Tanenbaum is the person who is heading this effort, so if you have any questions about the POSIXising process, or if you would like to help with any of the below, email Andy at ast@cs.vu.nl. This list was posted by Andy Tanenbaum in comp.os.minix on 6th February, 1991. He added: The major goal for 2.0 is ANSI and POSIX-ification. Everything else is rather secondary. If you want to help, there are two possibilities. 1. Join the beta-test group, to help with testing periodically. [email goverby@plains.nodak.edu to do join.] 2. POSIXize one of more of the utility programs. The list of who has has promised to do what, to avoid duplication, is below. If there is a program that is not already signed up for that you would like to POSIXize, please let me know. Andy Tanenbaum (ast@cs.vu.nl) What Who Email address ----------------------------------------------------- ar asa awk basename Phil Nelson phil@unicorn.wwu.edu bc Phil Nelson phil@unicorn.wwu.edu c89 cat Alan cd Thomas Brupbacher tobr@mw.lpc.ethz.ch chgrp Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com chmod Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com chown Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com cksum Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com cmp Ed Oskiewicz eo@ansa.co.uk comm command cp Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com cut Thomas Brupbacher tobr@mw.lpc.ethz.ch date Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com dd Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu diff Thomas Brupbacher tobr@mw.lpc.ethz.ch dirname Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl echo Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu ed env Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl expr Paul Allen pallen@atc.boeing.com false Alan find Bert Laverman laverman@cs.rug.nl fold Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu fort77 getconf Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu getopts Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl grep Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu head Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu id Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl join kill Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu lex ln Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com locale localedef logger Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl logname Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl lp Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl ls Earl Chew cechew@bruce.cs.monash.oz.au mailx Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl make Ronald Lamprecht V61@dhdurz1.bitnet mkdir Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com mkfifo Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com mv Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com nohup Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu od Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu paste Thomas Brupbacher tobr@mw.lpc.ethz.ch pathchk Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com pax Lars Fredriksen fredriks@ihlpm.att.com pr Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu printf pwd Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu read Fred van Kempen waltje@minixug.hobby.nl rm Vincent Archer archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com rmdir Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu sed sh Tom Torrance tomqnx!qnx@csi2.csi.uofo.edu sleep Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu sort Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu strip stty tail Norbert Schlenker nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu tee Ed Oskiewicz eo@ansa.co.uk test Jeroen van der Pluym jeroen@minixug.hobby.nl touch Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu tr Jeroen van der Pluym jeroen@minixug.hobby.nl true Alan tty Thomas Brupbacher tobr@mw.lpc.ethz.ch umask Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu uname uniq Eric Boehm boehme@leah.albany.edu wait wc Jeroen van der Pluym jeroen@minixug.hobby.nl xargs Ed Oskiewicz eo@ansa.co.uk yacc Warren Toomey VK1XWT, now shoelaced. Deep in the bowels of ADFA Comp Science. `I'm a bit thingy at the moment' - Anaemic friend.