[comp.os.minix] NYUMINIX:KERNEL\KLIB88.ASM

jai@lab.ultra.nyu.edu (Benchiao Jai) (02/24/91)

; This file contains a number of assembly code utility routines needed by the
; kernel.  They are:
;   phys_copy:	copies data from anywhere to anywhere in memory
;   cp_mess:	copies messages from source to destination
;   lock:	disable interrupts
;   restore:	restore interrupts (enable/disabled) as they were before lock()
;   build_sig:	build 4 word structure pushed onto stack for signals
;   csv:	procedure prolog to save the registers
;   cret:	procedure epilog to restore the registers
;   get_chrome: returns 0 if display is monochrome, 1 if it is color
;   get_ega:	returns 1 if display is EGA, 0 otherwise
;   vid_copy:	copy data to video ram (on color display during retrace only)
;   scr_up:	scroll screen a line up (in software, by copying)
;   scr_down:	scroll screen a line down (in software, by copying)
;   get_byte:	reads a byte from a user program and returns it as value
;   put_byte:	reads a byte from a user program and returns it as value
;   wait_retrace: waits for retrace interval, and returns int disabled
;   ack_char:	acknowledge character from keyboard
;   port_out:	output byte to port
;   port_in:	input byte from port
;   em_xfer:	expanded memory transfer

; The following procedures are defined in this file and called from outside it.
public _phys_copy, _cp_mess, _lock, _restore
public _build_sig, csv, cret, _get_chrome, _vid_copy, _get_byte, _put_byte
public _scr_up, _scr_down
public _ack_char, _get_ega, _wait_retrace
public _port_out, _port_in, _em_xfer

public splimit

; The following external procedures are called in this file.
extrn _panic:near

; Variables and data structures
extrn _color:word, _ega:word, _blank_color:word, _cur_proc:word, _proc_ptr:word
extrn _vid_mask:word, _vid_port:word


;*				phys_copy				     *
; This routine copies a block of physical memory.  It is called by:
;    phys_copy( (long) source, (long) destination, (long) bytecount)
_TEXT	segment byte	public	'CODE'
	assume	cs:_TEXT, ds:DGROUP
	push bp
	push ax
	push bx
	push cx
	push dx
	push si
	push di
	push ds
	push es
	mov bp,sp

  L0:	mov ax,28[bp]		; ax = high-order word of 32-bit destination
	mov di,26[bp]		; di = low-order word of 32-bit destination
	mov cx, 4		; start extracting click number from dest
  L1:	rcr ax, 1		; click number is destination address / 16
	rcr di, 1		; it is used in segment register for copy
	loop L1 		; 4 bits of high-order word are used
	mov es,di		; es = destination click

	mov ax,24[bp]		; ax = high-order word of 32-bit source
	mov si,22[bp]		; si = low-order word of 32-bit source
	mov cx, 4		; start extracting click number from source
  L2:	rcr ax, 1		; click number is source address / 16
	rcr si, 1		; it is used in segment register for copy
	loop L2 		; 4 bits of high-order word are used
	mov ds,si		; ds = source click

	mov di,26[bp]		; di = low-order word of dest address
	and di,   000Fh 	; di = offset from paragraph # in es
	mov si,22[bp]		; si = low-order word of source address
	and si,   000Fh 	; si = offset from paragraph # in ds

	mov dx,32[bp]		; dx = high-order word of byte count
	mov cx,30[bp]		; cx = low-order word of byte count

	test cx,   8000h	; if bytes >= 32768, only do 32768
	jnz L3			; per iteration
	test dx,  0FFFFh	; check high-order 17 bits to see if bytes
	jnz L3			; if bytes >= 32768 then go to L3
	jmp short L4		; if bytes < 32768 then go to L4
  L3:	mov cx,   8000h 	; 0x8000 is unsigned 32768
  L4:	mov ax,cx		; save actual count used in ax; needed later

	test cx,   0001h	; should we copy a byte or a word at a time?
	jz L5			; jump if even
	rep movsb		; copy 1 byte at a time
	jmp short L6		; check for more bytes

  L5:	shr cx, 1		; word copy
	rep movsw		; copy 1 word at a time

  L6:	mov dx,32[bp]		; decr count, incr src & dst, iterate if needed
	mov cx,30[bp]		; dx .. cx is 32-bit byte count
	xor bx,bx		; bx .. ax is 32-bit actual count used
	sub cx,ax		; compute bytes - actual count
	sbb dx,bx		; dx .. cx is # bytes not yet processed
	or cx,cx		; see if it is 0
	jnz L7			; if more bytes then go to L7
	or dx,dx		; keep testing
	jnz L7			; if loop done, fall through

	pop es
	pop ds
	pop di
	pop si
	pop dx
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax
	pop bp

L7:	mov 32[bp],dx		; store decremented byte count back in mem
	mov 30[bp],cx		; as a long
	add 26[bp],ax		; increment destination
	adc 28[bp],bx		; carry from low-order word
	add 22[bp],ax		; increment source
	adc 24[bp],bx		; carry from low-order word
	jmp L0			; start next iteration

;*				cp_mess 				     *
; This routine is makes a fast copy of a message from anywhere in the address
; space to anywhere else.  It also copies the source address provided as a
; parameter to the call into the first word of the destination message.
; It is called by:
;    cp_mess(src, src_clicks, src_offset, dst_clicks, dst_offset)
; where all 5 parameters are shorts (16-bits).
; Note that the message size, 'Msize' is in WORDS (not bytes) and must be set
; correctly.  Changing the definition of message the type file and not changing
; it here will lead to total disaster.
; This routine only preserves the registers the 'C' compiler
; expects to be preserved (es, ds, si, di, sp, bp).

Msize = 12			; size of a message in 16-bit words
	push es
	push ds
	mov bx,sp
	push si
	push di
	mov di,14[bx]		; di = offset of destination buffer
	les si,10[bx]		; use 32 bit load(ds is our base)
				; si = offset of source message
				; es = clicks of destination
	lds ax,6[bx]		; use 32 bit load ....
				; ax = process number of sender
				; ds = clicks of source message
	mov es:[di],ax		; copy sender's process number to dest message
	add si, 2		; don't copy first word
	add di, 2		; don't copy first word
	mov cx, Msize-1 	; remember, first word doesn't count
	cld			; clear direction flag
	rep movsw		; iterate cx times to copy 11 words
	pop di
	pop si
	pop ds
	pop es

;*				lock					     *
; Disable CPU interrupts.  Return old psw as function value.
	pop ax

;*				restore 				     *
; restore enable/disable bit to the value it had before last lock.
	push bp
	mov bp,sp
	push 4[bp]
	pop bp

;*				build_sig				     *
;* Build a structure that is pushed onto the stack for signals.  It contains
;* pc, psw, etc., and is machine dependent. The format is the same as generated
;* by hardware interrupts, except that after the "interrupt", the signal number
;* is also pushed.  The signal processing routine within the user space first
;* pops the signal number, to see which function to call.  Then it calls the
;* function.  Finally, when the function returns to the low-level signal
;* handling routine, control is passed back to where it was prior to the signal
;* by executing a return-from-interrupt instruction, hence the need for using
;* the hardware generated interrupt format on the stack.  The call is:
;*     build_sig(sig_stuff, rp, sig)

; Offsets within proc table
PC    = 24
csreg = 18
PSW   = 28

	push bp
	mov bp,sp
	push bx
	push si
	mov bx,4[bp]		; bx points to sig_stuff
	mov si,6[bp]		; si points to proc table entry
	mov ax,8[bp]		; ax = signal number
	mov [bx],ax		; put signal number in sig_stuff
	mov ax,PC[si]		; ax = signalled process' PC
	mov 2[bx],ax		; put pc in sig_stuff
	mov ax,csreg[si]	; ax = signalled process' cs
	mov 4[bx],ax		; put cs in sig_stuff
	mov ax,PSW[si]		; ax = signalled process' PSW
	mov 6[bx],ax		; put psw in sig_stuff
	pop si
	pop bx
	pop bp

;*				csv & cret				     *
; This version of csv replaces the standard one.  It checks for stack overflow
; within the kernel in a simpler way than is usually done. cret is standard.
	pop bx			; bx = return address
	push bp 		; stack old frame pointer
	mov bp,sp		; set new frame pointer to sp
	push di 		; save di
	push si 		; save si
	sub sp,ax		; ax = # bytes of local variables
	cmp sp,splimit		; has kernel stack grown too large
	jbe csv1		; if sp is too low, panic
	jmp  bx 		; normal return: copy bx to program counter

	mov splimit, 0		; prevent call to panic from aborting in csv
	mov bx,_proc_ptr	; update rp->p_splimit
	mov word ptr 50[bx], 0	; rp->sp_limit = 0
	push _cur_proc		; task number
	mov ax,offset DGROUP:stkoverrun ; stack overran the kernel stack area
	push ax 		; push first parameter
	call _panic		; call is: panic(stkoverrun, cur_proc)
	jmp csv1		; this should not be necessary

	lea	sp, -4[bp]	; set sp to point to saved si
	pop	si
	pop	di
	pop	bp

;*				get_chrome				     *
; This routine calls the BIOS to find out if the display is monochrome or
; color.  The drivers are different, as are the video ram addresses, so we
; need to know.
	int 11h 		; call the BIOS to get equipment type
	and al,30h		; isolate color/mono field
	cmp al,30h		; 0x30 is monochrome
	je getchr1		; if monochrome then go to getchr1
	mov ax,1		; color = 1
getchr1: xor ax,ax		; mono = 0

;*				get_ega 				     *
; This routine calls the BIOS to find out if the display is ega.  This
; is needed because scrolling is different.
	mov bl,10h
	mov ah,12h
	int 10h 		; call the BIOS to get equipment type
	cmp bl,10h		; if reg is unchanged, it failed
	je notega
	mov ax,1		; color = 1
	ret			; color return
notega: xor ax,ax		; mono = 0

;*				vid_copy				     *
; This routine takes a string of (character, attribute) pairs and writes them
; onto the screen.  For a color display, the writing only takes places during
; the vertical retrace interval, to avoid displaying garbage on the screen.
; The call is:
;     vid_copy(buffer, videobase, offset, words)
; where
;     'buffer'    is a pointer to the (character, attribute) pairs
;     'videobase' is 0xB800 for color and 0xB000 for monochrome displays
;     'offset'    tells where within video ram to copy the data
;     'words'     tells how many words to copy
; if buffer is zero, the fill char (blank_color) is used

	push bp
	mov bp,sp
	push si
	push di
	push bx
	push cx
	push dx
	push es
vid0:	mov si,4[bp]		; si = pointer to data to be copied
	mov di,8[bp]		; di = offset within video ram
	and di,_vid_mask	; only 4K or 16K counts
	mov cx,10[bp]		; cx = word count for copy loop
	mov dx,3DAh		; prepare to see if color display is retracing
	mov bx,di		; see if copy will run off end of video ram
	add bx,cx		; compute where copy ends
	add bx,cx		; bx = last character copied + 1
	sub bx,_vid_mask	; bx = # characters beyond end of video ram
	sub bx, 1		; note: dec bx doesn't set flags properly
	jle vid1		; jump if no overrun
	sar bx, 1		; bx = # words that don't fit in video ram
	sub cx,bx		; reduce count by overrun
	mov tmp,cx		; save actual count used for later
vid1:	test _color,1		; skip vertical retrace test if display is mono
	jz vid4 		; if monochrome then go to vid.2
	test _ega,1		; if ega also don't need to wait
	jnz vid4
vid3:	in al,dx		; 0x3DA is set during retrace.	First wait
	test al,1000b		; until it is off (no retrace), then wait
	jz vid3 		; until it comes on (start of retrace)
vid4:	pushf
	mov es,6[bp]		; load es now: int routines may ruin it
	cmp si,0		; si = 0 means blank the screen
	je vid7
	rep movsw
vid5:	popf
	cmp bx,0		; if bx < 0, then no overrun and we are done
	jle vid6
	mov 10[bp],bx		; set up residual count
	mov word ptr 8[bp],0	; start copying at base of video ram
	cmp word ptr 4[bp],0	; NIL_PTR means store blanks
	je vid0
	mov si,tmp		; si = count of words copied
	add si,si		; si = count of bytes copied
	add 4[bp],si		; increment buffer pointer
	jmp vid0
vid6:	pop es
	pop dx
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop di
	pop si
	pop bp
vid7:	mov ax,_blank_color	; ax = blanking character
	rep stosw
	jmp vid5

;*			      wait_retrace				     *
; Wait until we're in the retrace interval.  Return locked (ints off).
; But enable them during the wait.

_wait_retrace: push dx
	mov dx,_vid_port
	or dx,000Ah
wtre3:	sti
	in al,dx		; 0x3DA bit 3 is set during retrace.
	test al,1000b		; Wait until it is on.
	jz wtre3
	pop ax
	pop dx

	push bp
	mov bp,sp
	push si
	push di
	push cx
	push es
	push ds
	mov si,6[bp]
	mov di,8[bp]
	mov cx,10[bp]
	mov ax,4[bp]
	mov es,ax
	mov ds,ax
	rep movsw
	pop ds
	pop es
	pop cx
	pop di
	pop si
	pop bp

	push bp
	mov bp,sp
	push si
	push di
	push cx
	push es
	push ds
	mov si,6[bp]
	mov di,8[bp]
	mov cx,10[bp]
	mov ax,4[bp]
	mov es,ax
	mov ds,ax
	rep movsw
	pop ds
	pop es
	pop cx
	pop di
	pop si
	pop bp

	push bp
	mov bp,sp
	push es
	mov es,4[bp]
	mov bx,6[bp]
	mov al,es:[bx]
	xor ah,ah
	pop es
	pop bp

	push bp
	mov bp,sp
	push es
	mov es,4[bp]
	mov bx,6[bp]
	mov ax,8[bp]
	mov es:[bx],al
	pop es
	pop bp

;*				ack_char
; Acknowledge character from keyboard for PS/2

	push dx
	mov dx,69h
	in al,dx
	xor ax,10h
	out dx,al
	xor ax,10h
	out dx,al
	mov dx,66h
	mov ah,10h
	in al,dx
	not ah
	and al,ah
	out dx,al
	jmp frw1
frw1:	not ah
	or al,ah
	out dx,al
	jmp frw2
frw2:	not ah
	and al,ah
	out dx,al
	pop dx

	push bx
	mov bx,sp
	push ax
	push dx
	mov dx,4[bx]
	mov ax,6[bx]
	out dx,al
	pop dx
	pop ax
	pop bx

	push bx
	mov bx,sp
	push ax
	push dx
	mov dx,4[bx]
	in al,dx
	xor ah,ah
	mov bx,6[bx]
	mov [bx],ax
	pop dx
	pop ax
	pop bx

;				em_xfer
;  This particular BIOS routine runs with interrupts off since the 80286
;  must be placed in protected mode to access the memory above 1 Mbyte.
;  So there should be no problems using the BIOS call.
gdt:				; Begin global descriptor table
					; Dummy descriptor
	dw    0 	; segment length (limit)
	dw    0 	; bits 15-0 of physical address
	db    0 	; bits 23-16 of physical address
	db    0 	; access rights byte
	dw    0 	; reserved
					; descriptor for GDT itself
	dw    0 	; segment length (limit)
	dw    0 	; bits 15-0 of physical address
	db    0 	; bits 23-16 of physical address
	db    0 	; access rights byte
	dw    0 	; reserved
src:					; source descriptor
srcsz	dw    0 	; segment length (limit)
srcl	dw    0 	; bits 15-0 of physical address
srch	db    0 	; bits 23-16 of physical address
	db    93h	; access rights byte
	dw    0 	; reserved
tgt:					; target descriptor
tgtsz	dw    0 	; segment length (limit)
tgtl	dw    0 	; bits 15-0 of physical address
tgth	db    0 	; bits 23-16 of physical address
	db    93h	; access rights byte
	dw    0 	; reserved
					; BIOS CS descriptor
	dw    0 	; segment length (limit)
	dw    0 	; bits 15-0 of physical address
	db    0 	; bits 23-16 of physical address
	db    0 	; access rights byte
	dw    0 	; reserved
					; stack segment descriptor
	dw    0 	; segment length (limit)
	dw    0 	; bits 15-0 of physical address
	db    0 	; bits 23-16 of physical address
	db    0 	; access rights byte
	dw    0 	; reserved

;  Execute a transfer between user memory and extended memory.
;  status = em_xfer(source, dest, count);
;    Where:
;	status => return code (0 => OK)
;	source => Physical source address (32-bit)
;	dest   => Physical destination address (32-bit)
;	count  => Number of words to transfer

	push	bp		; Save registers
	mov	bp,sp
	push	si
	push	es
	push	cx
;  Pick up source and destination addresses and update descriptor tables
	mov ax,4[bp]
	mov cs:srcl,ax
	mov ax,6[bp]
	mov cs:srch,al
	mov ax,8[bp]
	mov cs:tgtl,ax
	mov ax,10[bp]
	mov cs:tgth,al
;  Update descriptor table segment limits
	mov cx,12[bp]
	mov ax,cx
	add ax,ax
	mov cs:tgtsz,ax
	mov cs:srcsz,ax
;  Now do actual DOS call
	push cs
	pop es
	mov si,offset gdt
	mov ah,87h
	int 15h 		; Do a far call to BIOS routine
;  All done, return to caller.

	pop	cx		; restore registers
	pop	es
	pop	si
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp

; Some library routines use exit, so this label is needed.
; Actual calls to exit cannot occur in the kernel.
public _exit
_exit:	sti
	jmp _exit
_TEXT	ends

_DATA	segment word	public	'DATA'
splimit    dw 0 ; stack limit for current task (kernel only)
tmp	   dw 0
stkoverrun db "Kernel stack overrun, task = ",0
_DATA	ends