[comp.os.minix] P1003.2 Draft 11

ast@cs.vu.nl (Andy Tanenbaum) (03/15/91)

I have just received Draft 11 of the P1003.2 proposed standard.  I am about
to send out the relevant pages to the people who have volunteered to
POSIX-ize the current MINIX utilities.  Below is the list of who is
doing what.  Draft 11 contains marks in the margin (A and B) indicating
what is new.  A means a change from 9 to 10, B means a change from 10 to 11.
Virtually everything has some change, but most are small. 

Will everyone who is on the list below let me know if there has been in
change in your plans, i.e., if you said you would do something but now
are unable to, please tell me.  For the programs with no names associated
with them, volunteers are welcome.

Just to repeat what I said earlier, the idea is to make the minimal
number of changes to bring the programs more-or-less into compliance.
Total rewrites adding all features POSIX asks for, plus all of BSD, SYS V
and other systems are not expected, or even desired.  On the contrary.
Every additional diskette will ultimately add another 10 dollars to the
price of MINIX.  I very much want to keep this down, so keep things lean
and mean, like V7.  But well-placed useful comments in the code are 
definitely welcome.

After the list are the crcs for 1.6.11 commands.  If you are working on a
program and do not have the most recent version, let me know.  Many programs
are unchanged from 1.5, of course.

Thanks for all the help.

Andy Tanenbaum (ast@cs.vu.nl)

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\fBWho	What	Status	M\fR
	awk [-F expr] program [argument ...]
Phil	basename string [suffix]	Done
Phil	bc [-l] [file ...]
Alan	cat [-c] [-u] [file ...]
Thomas	cd [dir]
Vincent	chgrp [-R] group file ...	Done	x
Vincent	chmod [-R] mode file ...	Done	x
Vincent	chown [-R] owner file ...	Done	x
Vincent	cksum [file ...] 	Done	x
Ed	cmp [-l | -s] file1 file2
	comm [-123] file1 file2
	command [argument ...]
Vincent	cp [-f | -i] [-pR] source target	Done	x
Thomas	cut -c list [file ...] or cut -f list [-d string] [-s] [file]	Done
Vincent	date [-u] [+format]	Done	x
Norbert	dd [operand ...]
Thomas	diff [-c | -e | -C n] [-br] file1 file2
Fred	dirname string
Eric	echo [string ...]
	ed [-p string[ ] [-] [file]
Fred	env [-] [-i] [name=value] ... [utility [arg ...]]
Paul	expr operand ...
Alan	false
Bert	find path ... [operand_expr]
Norbert	fold [-b] [-s] [-w width] [file ...]
Norbert	getconf system_var or getconf path_var pathname
Fred	getopts optstring name [arg ...]
Norbert	grep [-E | -F] [-cilnsvx] [-f pattern_file | -e pattern] ...
Eric	head [-c | -l] [-n number] [file ...]
Fred	id [-g | -u] [-nr] [user]
	join [options]
Eric	kill [-signal_name] pid ... or kill -1
Vincent	ln [-f | -i] source ... target	Done	x
	locale [-a | -l locale] [-ckv] [-f charmap] [name ...]
	localedef [-f charmap] name
Fred	logger string ...
Fred	logname
Fred	lp [-c] [-d dest] [-n copies] [file ...]
Earl	ls [-CFRacdilqrstul] [file ...]
Fred	mailx [-s subject] address ... 
Vincent	mkdir [-p] [-m mode] dir ...	Done	x
Vincent	mkfifo [-p] [-m mode] file ...	Done	x
Vincent	mv [-f | -i] source target	Done	x
Eric	nohup utility [arg ...]
Norbert	od [-bcdov] [-e format_string] [-f file] [-n ct] [-s skip] [file ...]
Thomas	paste [-d list] [-s] file ...	Done
Vincent	pathchk [-d | -f] [-npqtP] [-m mode] [-x prefix] name ...	Done	x
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Lars	pax [options]
Norbert	pr [options]
	printf fomrat [args ...]
Norbert	pwd
Fred	read [-r] var ...
Vincent	rm [-f | -i] [-Rr] file ...	Done	x
Eric	rmdir [-p] dir ...
	sed [-n] script [file ...] 
Eric	sleep time
Norbert	sort [options]
	stty [options]
Norbert	tail [-c | -l] [-f] [-n number] [file]
Ed	tee [ai] [file ...]
Jeroen	test expression
Eric	touch [-acm] [-r ref_file | -t time] file ...
Jeroen	tr [-c] [-d | -s] string1 string2
Alan	true
Thomas	tty [-s]	Done
Eric	umask [-o | -s | mask]
	uname [-amnrsv]
Eric	uniq [-c | -d | -u] [-f fields] [-s chars] [input_file [output_file]]
Andy	wait [pid]
Jeroen	wc [-clw] [file ...]
Ed	xargs [-n number] [-s size] [-t] [utility argument ...]]
Tom	sh [options]
	ar [options]
Ronald	make [-f makefile] ... [-eiknpqrSst] [macro=name] ... [target] ...
	strip file ...
ACK	c89
.sp 2
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\fB Names of the people doing the Posixizing\fR
\fBWho	Name	Email address\fR
Alan	Alan Clegg	abc@matrix.com
Andy	Andy Mendelsohn	mendelsohn@frodo.mgh.harvard.edu
Bert	Bert Laverman	laverman@cs.rug.nl
Earl	Earl Chew	cechew%bruce.cs.monash.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
Ed	Ed Oskiewicz	eo@ansa.co.uk
Eric	Eric Boehm	boehme@unvax.Union.EDU
Fred	Fred van Kempen	waltje@minixug.hobby.nl
Jeroen	Jeroen van der Pluym	jeroen@minixug.hobby.nl
Lars	Lars Fredriksen	fredriks@ihlpm.att.com
Norbert	Norbert Schlenker	nfs@notecnirp.princeton.edu
Ronald	Ronald Lamprecht	V61@dhdurz1.bitnet
Paul	Paul Allen	pallen@atc.boeing.com
Phil	Phil Nelson	phil@unicorn.wwu.edu
Thomas	Thomas Brupbacher	tobr@mw.lpc.ethz.ch
Tom	Tom Torrance	tomqnx!qnx@csi2.csi.uofo.edu
Vincent	Vincent Archer	archer%segin4.segin.fr@prime.com

================================ 1.6.11 commands crcs ====================
15992   5677 animals.c
19229   2115 ascii.c
26297   4955 at.c
39144   1817 atrun.c
39907  12551 backup.c
46496  14337 badblocks.c
00311   6597 banner.c
64787   1722 basename.c
57022  28324 btoa.c
01661   7795 cal.c
32311   1702 cat.c
37802   6472 cdiff.c
27074   9044 cgrep.c
37210   2038 chgrp.c
28568   3571 chmem.c
16117   5948 chmod.c
18709   2793 chown.c
24374   7478 ci.c
37544   1518 clr.c
15254   2647 cmp.c
08933   5572 co.c
00730   3509 comm.c
49047  38455 compress.c
27469   3954 cp.c
19492   6246 cpdir.c
50933   3844 crc.c
36803   7230 cron.c
28778   4134 cut.c
40785   2209 date.c
29987   5773 dd.c
17195   5052 df.c
04229  11224 dhrystone.c
12387   6078 diff.c
03428   4588 diskcheck.c
53152   5109 du.c
26577    699 echo.c
54463  41768 ed.c
28176   1624 expand.c
64386  13227 expr.c
57874    776 factor.c
48088   5320 fgrep.c
50110   4744 file.c
43684  12939 find.c
16961   4580 fix.c
60890   1052 fold.c
13554   1989 fortune.c
29623  35633 fsck.c
52315  38120 fsck2.c
44735   8145 gather.c
03908    388 getlf.c
38260  17026 getty.c
11348   6816 grep.c
35492   3167 gres.c
27040   1108 head.c
37920   1361 id.c
19492  11391 ifdef.c
53827   6253 inodes.c
27774    601 kill.c
17369   9191 last.c
46348   4964 leave.c
32047   1095 ln.c
30188   8087 login.c
14635   3509 look.c
64720   1710 lpr.c
02477  22578 ls.c
12873   2726 machine.c
33515  16484 mail.c
36513  18218 man.c
02805  12344 men.c
39830    899 mkdir.c
08076  29160 mkfs.c
35280  32230 mkfs2.c
58993   1036 mknod.c
50067   5847 mkproto.c
65518   4875 modem.c
28947  37918 more.c
49309   1245 mount.c
10718  25726 mref.c
36757   4932 mv.c
08574   4862 nm.c
30405   5305 od.c
29630   2405 passwd.c
40905  11531 paste.c
40424  12218 pr.c
61375   2057 prep.c
60480  10783 pretty.c
26966    188 printenv.c
52023   1951 printroot.c
59380  26395 ps.c
09609    341 pwd.c
05605   3285 readall.c
28143  15220 readfs.c
20724   1170 recover.c
57113   1420 rev.c
15652   2704 rm.c
36048   4926 rmdir.c
06339  21547 roff.c
34328   2875 sdump.c
21580  45053 sed.c
53724   1135 shar.c
19126   1573 size.c
30888    425 sleep.c
04405  31334 sort.c
26163   2032 split.c
26719   3878 strings.c
10548   3319 strip.c
38154   5511 stty.c
02381   1188 su.c
28429   1861 sum.c
57085    144 sync.c
07378   2421 tail.c
42280  23297 tar.c
02530   1213 tee.c
14056   3832 termcap.c
17805   5308 test.c
09564   2381 time.c
02393   1194 touch.c
42541   3221 tr.c
10957   1732 traverse.c
63088   7773 treecmp.c
18877   2319 tset.c
14547   7617 tsort.c
30131   6307 ttt.c
34586    443 tty.c
00291   1160 umount.c
03292   2102 unexpand.c
48468   3250 uniq.c
19518   7468 unshar.c
21688    717 update.c
46970   2261 users.c
09916  11317 uud.c
61630   4216 uue.c
40098   3025 vol.c
25702   2857 wc.c
51566   6163 whatsnew.c
30706   1346 which.c
07289   2034 who.c
38008    302 whoami.c
11508   2766 width.c
09385   5581 write.c
56976   2582 xargs.c