[comp.os.minix] 2nd HD problem solved

david@doe.utoronto.ca (David Megginson) (04/24/91)

Thank you to everyone who helped me with my HD problem. The solution
is that Minix ST allows 16 minor devices per drive and two
drives per controller, so things look like this:

	0:	Controller 1 Drive 1 Boot Sector
	1-15:	Controller 1 Drive 1 Partitions

	16:	Controller 1 Drive 2 Boot Sector (unused)
	17-31:	Controller 1 Drive 2 Partitions (unused)

	32:	Controller 2 Drive 1 Boot Sector
	33:	Controller 2 Drive 1 Partitions

As a result, I have /dev/hd0=3,0 /dev/hd1=3,1 /dev/hd2=3,2 /dev/hd3=3,3
/dev/hd4=3,4 /dev/hd5=3,33 /dev/hd6=3,34 /dev/hd7=3,35 /dev/hd8=3,36
and /dev/hd7=3,37. Note that I did not install the boot sector for
my second drive as a device. As an added bonus, I can share most of
these partitions with TOS, since MiNT allows TOS to use Minix partitions
for TOS programs and data.

NOTE: This applies ONLY to (patch 3), which uses 16 minor devices
per drive instead of 8.

/  David Megginson                      david@doe.utoronto.ca          /
/  Centre for Medieval Studies          meggin@vm.epas.utoronto.ca     /