[comp.os.minix] Minix 1.5 and Tandy keyboard

kduling@nmsu.edu (Kevin Duling) (05/01/91)

Help.  I just bought Minix 1.5 and installed it without any problems....except
that it hates my keyboard.  Or, more specifically, my number pad.  I own a 
Tandy 1000 series PC and THEY decided they had to be different with keyboard
layout.  My number pad looks like this:
|     |     |     |     Now, with this setup, it's impossible for me to 
|  \  |  ~  |PG UP|  enter a '\', '|', '~', or '`'.  Instead I get 'E[H',
|  7  |  8  |  9  |  'E[D', 'E[A', and 'E[B', respectively.  When the numlock
|_____|_____|_____|  is depressed, the number pad works fine.
|     |     |     |     I understand that keyboard mapping is dependent on 
|  |  |     |     |  software and not hardware, so I can change these codes.
|  4  |  5  |  6  |  But where?  I looked at kernel/keyboard.c and I think
|_____|_____|_____|  I could just alter a value in there for the IBM PC
|     |     |     |  keyboard.  But which one?
| END |  `  |PG DN|
|  1  |  2  |  3  |
|     |     |     |
|     |     |     |
|  0  |  .  |ENTER|

Kevin J. Duling                     UNIX                       kduling@nmsu.edu
New Mexico State University        VM/CMS               oprkjd@nmsuvm1.nmsu.edu
Computer Center/Large Systems       VMS                    CC4831@vaxa.nmsu.edu