[comp.os.minix] Amoeba RPC, Serial Ports, Minix FS, etc.

gdtltr@brahms.udel.edu (root@research.bdi.com (Systems Research Supervisor)) (04/27/91)

   I have a couple questions for all the Minix hackers out there. I am
currently working on a project to design and (at least partially) implement
a Remote Minix FS modification based on the Amoeba RPC. My current concern
is how to test the thing if I do manage to get a significant portion of the
code done. I was originally planning to run the Client and Server on the
same machine since Amoeba wouldn't care. However, the single-threaded FS
would cause my model to deadlock. I do have at least two machines that I
could use to test the thing, but no WD1003's. Has anyone written a driver
to send Amoeba RPC over a serial line? I certainly don't have the time to
build one myself; I might not even completely finish the coding on time.
It would be nice, however, to get _s_o_m_e_t_h_i_n_g running.
   Oh, yeah, if anyone has an Excelan EXOS driver, I could use that too.

                                        Gary Duzan
                                        Time  Lord
                                    Third Regeneration

   _o_                      ----------------------                        _o_
 [|o o|]   Two CPU's are better than one; N CPU's would be real nice.   [|o o|]
  |_o_|           Disclaimer: I AM Brain Dead Innovations, Inc.          |_o_|

ajm@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au (Tony McGregor) (05/02/91)

In article <20873@brahms.udel.edu> gdtltr@brahms.udel.edu
>(root@research.bdi.com (Systems Research Supervisor)) writes: Has
>anyone written a driver to send Amoeba RPC over a serial line? 

I have a student who did this for a project for me. I could send you
his code.

Tony McGregor ( ajm@monu6.cc.monash.edu.au )  
Department of Robotics and Digital Technology, Monash University
PO Box 197, Caulfield East, Vic 3145, Australia  
Phone: +61 3 5732014  Fax: +61 3 5732745