ahalim@ics.uci.edu (Antony Halim) (05/20/91)
I have trouble using the ZMODEM protocol in zterm when trying to tranfter file to/from a UNIX system. Everytime I've issued the rz/sz command to the zterm, the zterm immediately says that the transfer has been successfully done (actually not), and prompts me to exit and run the zterm again. I did, but then the terminal always hangs and no transfer of file has actually taken place. Has anybody experienced this thing and know what seems to be the problem? Thank in advance. --- Antony Halim Internet: ahalim@ics.uci.edu [] Info & Comp. Sci, UC Irvine. Bitnet : TUBE@UCI voice: 714-644-4738 UUCP: ... ucbvax\!ucivax\!ahalim hurry up! hurry up! glass teen?!?
KENC@vaxb.acs.unt.edu (Ken Corey, CSCI Major...) (05/20/91)
Hi *, I'm posting this here, in case is applies to anyone else. >I have trouble using the ZMODEM protocol in zterm when trying to >tranfter file to/from a UNIX system. Everytime I've issued the >rz/sz command to the zterm, the zterm immediately says that the >transfer has been successfully done (actually not), and prompts >me to exit and run the zterm again. I did, but then the terminal >always hangs and no transfer of file has actually taken place. >Has anybody experienced this thing and know what seems to be the >problem? Sometimes I get similar responses from my Unix system, and it has to do with a sytek box hooked up to the LAN at school. The modems are set up such that when I call in, it goes through a sytek box, which uses the same ^s ^q flow control that x,y, & zmodem use, so that downloading with these protocols is hopeless. The only solution for us here is to use kermit. There is a good kermit program for the Mac called MacKermit .98 . It can handle packets of 1016 characters, so that it has a reasonable transfer speed. If the kermit protocol is available on your unix box, I would recommend trying it. \ Ken Corey, VAX/Unix Programmer/Operator (And GOD am I confused...;) / \ kenc@vaxb.acs.unt.edu ken@isect.lonestar.org /