[comp.os.minix] 1.1-1.5 upgrade and mangled files

lalonde@qucis.queensu.CA (Paul Lalonde) (05/22/91)

Argh.  After getting most of the way to 1.5 I've found that I have a
few files that are in a munged state, somehow having slipped through
the crc checks at 1.2 and 1.3.  And to top things off I've since deleted
the diff for those versions (disk space used to be tight...).  Could
some kind soul do me a huge favour and get in touch with me about
obtaining the files:


Either V1.3 (prefered, as I can apply patches to v1.5 and keep everything
streamlined) or V1.5?

	Many thanks,


 Paul A. Lalonde	 	Internet: lalonde@qucis.queensu.ca
 Home Phone: (613)542-6989	Work Phone: (613)545-6754

	"The only true law is that which leads to freedom"
			- Richard Bach, _Jonathan Livingston Seagull_