[net.unix-wizards] dialups and discs

peter (10/26/82)

hp-pcd!peter    Oct 26 08:07:00 1982


   "Finally note that you should change the names of any dialup 
    terminals to ttyd? where ? is in [0-9a-f] as some programs
    use this property of the names to determine if a terminal is
    a dialup."
                    Installing and Operating 4.1bsd  May 18,1981
                                                     page 26

Does anyone know which programs this statement is refering to? Are there any
adverse consequences of putting dialup terminals (modems) on standard tty
ports, say /dev/tty00, provided modem control is properly handled? If there
are, what modifications are necessary to allow more than 16 dialup terminals?

   "While it is possible to use truely arbitrary strings for terminal
    names, the accounting and noticeably the ps(1) command make good
    use of the convention that tty names (by default, and also after
    dialups are named as suggested above) are distinct in the last 2
    characters. Change this and you may be sorry later, as the heuristic
    ps(1) uses based on these conventions will then break down and
    ps will run MUCH slower."

                    Installing and Operating 4.1bsd  May 18, 1981
                                                     page 26

Can anyone provide more detail as to the specific problems ps(1) has if
dialups do not follow the naming convention?


   "The third logical partition of each physical disk also has a 
    conventional usage: it allows access to the entire physical
    device, including the bad sector forwarding information
    recorded in the last three tracks. It is occasionally used to
    store a single large file system or to access the entire pack
    when making a copy of it to another. Care must be taken when
    using this partition to not overwrite the last three tracks
    and thereby clobber the bad sector information."

                    Installing and Operating 4.1bsd  May 18, 1981
                                                     page 4

Is there a way to make a single large file system on hp?c and still
protect the last three tracks? Can the bad sector tracks be protected by 
decreasing the value of "size" in "mkfs"? If so, what would be the proper
"size" value for a DEC RM05 disc (hp(4))?

I would greatly appreciate any answers to these questions or tips on where
to find further information.

                                     Peter Robinson
                                     Hewlett-Packard PCD