mdella@polyslo.UUCP (08/31/87)
I am running an Intel 286 box (310/311 if anyone knows the peticulars) and
have Xenix R3.4 running currently on it. I just got copies of the news
programs (2.10.3) but cannot get them to compile correctly at all. Has
anyone created a for this peticular configuration (or any
configuration close to it)? If so, could you please drop me a line at
the bottom address (not the same as the above address)...
Thanks for any help you can offer...
...!lll-crg --> !csustan --\ | Whatever I said doesn't
>->!polyslo!caus-dp!root | mean diddly as I forgot
...!ihnp4 --> !csun -----/ | it even before finishing
...!dmsd ----/ | typing it all out!!!