[ut.theory] THEORY NET: Symposium on Comutation Geometry

arvind@utcsri.UUCP (05/29/87)

Date: Wed, 20 May 87 09:23:05 EDT
From: Derick Wood <dwood@waterloo.csnet>
Subject: Symposium on Computation Geometry

                    COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY
                Waterloo, Ontario, 8-10 June 1987
             Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and ACM SIGACT
                  Conference Chair: Derick Wood
                    Program Chair: Chee K. Yap
                        Program Committee
               Herbert EdelsbrunnerLeo J. Guibas
               A. Robin Forrest    Tomas Lozano-Perez
               Steve Fortune       Micha Sharir
               Alain Fournier      Godfried T. Toussant
               Ron L. Graham
LOCATION:   The  conference  is  located  in  Waterloo,  Ontario,
Canada,  in  Mennonite  country.  The city of Waterloo is located
approximately 110 kilometers west of Toronto.  U.S. citizens must
bring appropriate identification  -- a passport or birth certifi-
cate  is  ideal, but a driver's license should also work.  If you
are  not  a citizen of the U.S. or Canada you may require a visa;
enquire  in  advance.  Currently, the Canadian dollar costs about
75  U.S.  cents.   Although  U.S.  dollars are accepted here, you
should  change  money before buying anything.  There is a bank on
     The  conference  will  be held at the University of Waterloo
Conference  Centre,  Village II, Waterloo (1-519-884-5400).  This
is  about  a  one-hour  drive from Toronto International Airport.
Alternatively, it is about a three-hour drive from Buffalo Inter-
national Airport.
discount for an in-Canada flight and 25% for a U.S.-Canada flight
to this conference.
     When  booking your flight with Air Canada mention the Sympo-
sium  and  the Symposium Number 871078 (The number is more impor-
port,  Airways Transit
operates  a-door-to-door minibus service.  Go to the Ground Tran-
sportation  Desk on the Arrivals Level.  This should be booked in
advance by calling 1-519-658-5521.  If you are arriving on Satur-
day  or  Sunday,  you should mention the ACM Conference to obtain
the special rate of CAN $17.
ACCOMMODATION:   Inexpensive  dormitory accommodations are avail-
able at the University of Waterloo, ``Village II'' residence (CAN
$26.00  single,  $22.25  twin per person; this includes breakfast
and  tax).   Services include daily towel and linen service.  For
these University accommodations, please phone 519-884-5400.
     A block of rooms is also available at the Waterloo Inn, (475
King  St.   North,  Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2Z5, 1-519-884-0220 for
those  desiring hotel accommodations (CAN $60 single, $70 double,
plus tax, per night).  You must contact the Waterloo Inn directly
if  you  wish  to stay there mentioning the ACM conference.  This
modern hotel is a ten minute drive from the conference centre.
Please register in advance using the form provided.  Registration
rates go up markedly after 15 May 1987.  A registration desk will
be  open  Sunday  evening  from 7:30 pm as well as throughout the
conference.   Registrants  receive  one  copy of the proceedings,
three  lunches and one dinner.  Additional copies of the proceed-
ings will be available at the registration desk.
     Copies  of  the  proceedings will also be available for pur-
chase  from  ACM after the conference (call toll free: 1-800-342-
6626  (in Baltimore, Canada, or Alaska 301-528-4261) or write to:
ACM Order Department, P.O. Box 64145, Baltimore, MD 21264).
  or SIGACT member     $155
Non-member             $185
Full-time student      $ 50
ACTIVITIES:   The  Stratford and Shaw Festivals are close by
you  are  interested  call  1-519-273-1600 (Stratford) and 1-416-
468-2172 (Shaw).
FURTHER INFORMATION:  Contact Derick Wood, Department of Computer
Science,  University  of  Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L
3G1 (519-888-4456 or dwood at waterloo.csnet).
Monday Morning
     All sessions are held in the Great Hall, Village II.
Session Chair: Ron Graham
9:30 Computing the Link Center of a Simple Polygon
     W.  Lenhart (Williams College), R. Pollack (N.Y.U.), J. Sack
     (Carleton  University),  R. Seidel (IBM Almaden), M. Sharir
     (N.Y.U.  and  Tel  Aviv  University), S. Suri (Johns Hopkins
     University),   G.  Toussaint (McGill  University),  C.  Yap (N.Y.U.)
     and S. Whitesides (McGill University).
9:50 Finding  the  Visibility  Graph  of a Simple Polygon in Time
Proportional to Its Size
     J. Hershberger (Stanford University)
10:10     Jordan  Sorting  Via Convex Hulls of Certain Non-simple Polygons
     F. Aurenhammer (Technical Universit of Graz)
10:30     The Weighted Region Problem
     C. Papadimitriou (Stanford University)
 and J. Mitchell (Cornell University)
10:50     Coffee
11:20     On  the  Geodesic  Voronoi  Diagram of Point Sites in a
Simple Polygon
     B. Aronov (N.Y.U.)
11:45     Optimal Shortest Path Queries in a Simple Polygon
     L.  J.  Guibas  (DEC/SRC, Stanford University) and J. Hershberger
     (Stanford University)
12:05     The  All-Geodesic-Furthest  Neighbor Problem for Simple Polygons
     S. Suri (Johns Hopkins University)
12:30     Lunch
Monday Afternoon
Session Chair: Godfried Toussaint
2:30 Invited speaker: Branko Grunbaum (Washington)
     New Directions in the Theory of Polyhedra
3:20 Oriented Projective Geometry
     J. Stolfi (DEC/SRC)
3:40 Primitives  for the Manipulation of Three-Dimensional Subdivisions
     D. P. Dobkin and M. J. Laszlo (Princeton University)
4:00 Break
4:30 A Graph Based Approach to Object Feature Recognition
     L.  De  Floriani  (Isttuto  per  la Matematica Applicata del
4:50 Polygon Properties Calculated From The Vertex Neighborhoods
     W. R. Franklin (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
5:10 Numerical Stability of Geometric Algorithms
     T.   Ottmann,   G.   Thiemt,  and  C.  Ullrich  (Universitat
5:30 Discrete Simulation of NC Machining
     R. L. Drysdale and R. B. Jerard (Dartmouth College)
7.00   Banquet
Tuesday Morning
Session Chair: A. Robin Forrest
9:00 Invited speaker: Ed Catmull (Pixar Corp.)
     Visualization of Volumes
9:50 Moving a Ladder in Three Dimensions: Upper and Lower Bounds
     Y. Ke and J. O'Rourke (Johns Hopkins University)
10:10     On Detecting the Orientation of Polygons and Polyhedra
     B.K. Natarajan (Carnegie-Mellon University)
10:30     Coffee
11:00     Simplified Voronoi Diagrams
     J. Canny and B. Donald (MIT)
11:25     An  Optimal  O(nlogn) Algorithm for Contour Reconstruction from Rays
     P.   D.  Alevizos  (University  of  Patras),  J.  Boissonnat
     (I.N.R.I.A.) and M. Yvinec (Ecole Normale Superieure)
11:45     Compliant Motion Planning with Geometric Models
     C. Bajaj and M. Kim (Purdue University)
12:05     Lunch
Tuesday Afternoon
Session Chair: Micha Sharir
2:30 On   the  Number  of  Faces  in  Higher-Dimensional  Voronoi Diagrams
     R. Seidel (IBM Almaden)
2:50 Toughness and Delaunay Triangulations
     M. Dillencourt (University of Maryland)
3:15 Joint Triangulations and Triangulation Maps
     A. Saalfeld (Bureau of Census)
3:35 Parallel Processing for Efficient Subdivision Search
     N.  Dadoun  and  D.  G.  Kirkpatrick  (University of British
3:55 Break
4:25 Constrained Delaunay Triangulations
     L. P. Chew (Dartmouth College)
4:50 An  Optimal Algorithm for Constructing the Delaunay Triangulation of a
     Set of Line Segments
     C. Wang and L. Schubert (University of Alberta)
5:10 A Note on Relative Neighborhood Graphs
     J. W. Jaromczyk and M. Kowaluk (University of Kentucky)
5:30 Simultaneous Containment of Several Polygons
     F. Avnaim and J. Boissonnat (I.N.R.I.A.)
9.00   Business Meeting
Wednesday Morning
Session Chair: Steve Fortune
9:00 Invited speaker: Sheeram Abhyankar (Purdue)
     Glimpses of Algebraic Geometry
9:50 Rectilinear  Shortest  Paths  Through Polygonal Obstacles in
     O(nlog n) Time
     K.  Clarkson,  S.  Kapoor  and  P. Vaidya (AT&T Bell Laboratories)
10:10     A Bucketing Algorithm for the Orthogonal Segment Intersection
          Search Problem and Its Practical Efficiency
     M.  Edahiro  (NEC Corporation), K. Tanaka (NEC Corporation),
     T.  Hoshino (Sophia University) and T. Asano (Sophia University)
10:30     Coffee
11:00     Covering  a  Simple  Orthogonal  Polygon with a Minimum Number of
          Orthogonally Convex Polygons
     R. A. Reckhow and J. Culberson (University of Alberta)
11:25     Fast Algorithms for Computing the Largest Empty Rectangle
     A. Aggarwal (IBM T.J. Watson Center and S. Suri (Johns Hopkins
11:45     Variations on Visibility
     J.  I.  Munro  (University  of  Waterloo),  M.  H.  Overmars
     (University of Utrecht) and D. Wood (University of Waterloo)
12:05     Lunch
Wednesday Afternoon
Session Chair: Herbert Edelsbrunner
2:30 Algorithms for Line Transversals in Space
     D. Avis and R. Wenger (McGill University)
2:50 Congruence, Simularity, and Symmetries of Geometric Objects
     H. Alt (FU Berlin), K. Melhorn (Universitat des Saarlandes),
     H. Wagener (TU Berlin) and E. Welzl (TU Graz)
3:15 Establishing Order in Planar Subdivisions
     D. G. Kirkpatrick (University of British Columbia)
3:35 Computing  Simple  Circuits  From  a Set of Line Segments is
     D. Rappaport (Queen's University)
3:55 Break
4:25 Partitioning and Geometric Embedding of Range Spaces of Fin-
ite Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension
     N.  Alon,  D. Haussler and E. Welzl (Technical University of Graz)
4:45 Constructing Low Degree Blending Surfaces
     J. Warren (Rice University)
5:05 Analyzing Surfaces: The Truth About Elimination Theory
     A. Schwartz and C. M. Stanton (University of Michigan)
5.25   Adjourn