sherk@utai.UUCP (12/03/87)
> The Theory Choir lives! Once again this year the Theory Choir will > make appropriate-sounding noise at the Party. We take songs (especially > Christmas carols), re-write the words, and try to be musical about the > whole thing. If you can sing, you would be especially appreciated in the > choir. If you can play an instrument (e.g. guitar) for us, please do so. > If you can compose (re-compose? de-compose?) a song for us, you will have > our undying gratitude. First practise is early next week sometime. > Non-theorists are also welcome. That's us. Once again, one of the most popular acts is being revived for Christmas party entertainment. We theorists are the heart of the choir. Please consider joining the choir. We need musicians for accompaniment but for singing we'll take anybody. If you really, really, really, can't sing then please figure out a song for us. Contact me if you need suggestions. We'll be practising this week during the regular theory discussion group meeting - 2:00 Wednesday. Hopefully we'll have another practice earlier in the week too ... and probably one later. Please start composing and let me know if you've got anything. We have a supply of old songs but I think it would be better to have original material. (Murray Sherk) (12/09/88)
Nobody responded to my last message so I assumed there was no interest in having a Theory Choir this year. Since then, some people have been asking about it, so... one last chance. I have some songs from previous years that we could use. Meet in the lounge at 1:30. If we don't have enough people, kaput. By the way, the "Theory" of Theory Choir comes from the fact that theoretically we're making music, not from any stipulation that only theory students are involved. All interested people are welcome.