(Glenn Gulak) (05/25/89)
SEMINAR Monday, May 29, 1989 2:00 - 3:00 pm Room 202, Galbraith Bldg Who should speak when I want to talk: feedback in discrete communication Alon Orlitsky AT&T Bell Laboratories S_X and S_Y are finite sets. (X,Y) is a random variable distributed over S_X \times S_Y according to some probability distribution p(x,y). Person P_X knows X, Person P_Y knows Y, and both know p. They communicate in order for P_Y to learn X. P_X may or may not learn Y. How many information bits must be transmitted (by both persons) in the worst case? C_1(p) is the number of bits required when only one message is allowed, necessarily from P_X to P_Y. C_2(p) is the number of bits required when only two messages are permitted: P_Y transmits a message to P_X then P_X responds with a message to P_Y. C_\infty(p) is the number of bits required when P_X and P_Y can communicate back and forth. Messages from P_Y to P_X are called feedback. The maximal reduction in communication achievable via feedback is one bit away from logarithmic: C_\infty(p) >= log C_1(p) + 1 for all probability distributions p, while there are distributions for which equality holds. Therefore C_1(p) can be exponentially larger than C_\infty(p). Yet C_2(p) cannot. With just one feedback message the number of bits required is at most four times larger than the minimal: C_2(p) <= 4*C_\infty(p)+2. Surprisingly, for almost all sparse probability distributions, P_Y who wants to say nothing must transmit almost all the bits in order to achieve the minimal number: C_\infty(p). The number of bits transmitted by P_Y can be appreciably reduced only if P_X transmits exponentially more than C_\infty(p) bits. __________________________________________________________________________ (Charles Rackoff) (05/25/89)
Don't forget Silvio Micali's seminar tomorrow at 11:00. Charlie