[rec.travel] French Geologist needs job information

strandh@geocub.greco-prog.fr (Robert Strandh) (05/27/89)

[I am posting this message for a friend, a young man here in France.
Please send valid responses by paper to him or by e-mail to me:
	mcvax!inria!geocub!kc        Kathleen Callaway]

I am a French geologist living in Bordeaux.  I did my Doctorat de Troisieme 
Cycle (PhD disseration) on digital image processing as applied to geology, 
specifically to the study of porous rock.  I am very much interested also 
in astronomy and planetary geology.  

I would be delighted to add my skills and expertise in
image processing in geology and/or astronomy to projects in the US as a
post-doctoral fellow, researcher or intern.  I welcome  "leads" and 
contacts to observatories, labs, or private companies and I will reward 
valuable ones with a bottle of wine and foie gras.

Dominique Genty			Institut de Geodynamique
6, rue Rouget de l'Isle		Universite de Bordeaux III
33400 Talence			Avenue des Facultes
FRANCE				33405 Talence cedex