lsk (10/26/82)
I have noticed some references to UN*X, seemingly more prevalent in BTL news groups. What's the significance of the '*' instead of an 'I' (UN*X vs UNIX)??? Larry S. Kaufman, WECO, NSC, Lisle
andrew.umcp-cs@Udel-Relay@sri-unix (11/12/82)
From: Andrew Scott Beals <andrew.umcp-cs@Udel-Relay> Date: 29 Oct 82 19:04:02 EDT (Fri) when someone says UN*X, they mean a product similar to UNIX(tm), which has holy water from bell sprinkled on it. (it could also just ref. all types of holy-water-sprinkled unix -- ie xenix (from microsoft), because they tend to have varying names.)