sarah@mirror.UUCP (01/18/88)
I've been slowly learning about birds for the last couple of years. I went out to Thompson Island in the Boston Harbor this past Saturday birding and among other species, sited a northern shrike. It was positively identified by people more knowledgeable than I am. They were quite excited and thought it may be the first time this species was ever sighted on the island. Have other Bostonians been out there? Also, what's a favorite bird feeder for a moderately windy, squirrel- infested area of the country? If you're sick of this subject, please mail me below. |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| |sarah%mirror.uucp@cca Sarah Griffith | |sarah%mirror.uucp@harvard An it harm none, | |sarah%mirror@mit-eddie Do what ye will. | | (617) 864-7231 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|