mjm@oliven.olivetti.com (Michael Mammoser) (02/24/88)
I thought that you all might be interested in the fact that there is a Black-Fronted ( Xantus ) Hummingbird in Ventura, Ca. This is a Mexican species and is normally found at the southern end of Baja. From what I hear, this is the first U.S. record in 70 years. I just came back from a weekend trip to the L.A. area and had a chance to see it. It built a nest in someone's backyard and is evidently incubating eggs ( no one knows whether they are fertile or not ). The bird is quite cooperative for anyone who can make the trip there ( when I was there, about 700 people had made the journey - many from across the country ). There were also 2 Broad-Billed Hummingbirds at the same place. A feeder is set up in the yard and the hummers visit it quite frequently. The address is 157 Via Baja ( ironic? ). In Ventura, take highway 101 to Victoria exit; then take Victoria north til it ends at Foothill; go right on Foothill for about half a mile and turn left on Via Plaza; then left again almost immediately on Via Baja. I picked up 8 life birds on this weekend. Besides the 2 hummers, I got Spotted Dove, Grace's Warbler, Rusty Blackbird, Black Skimmer, Black-Tailed ( California ) Gnatcatcher, and Canyon Wren ( yes, I still needed this bird ). good hunting, Mike