[rec.birds] Eurasian Wigeon, Tufted Duck

gss@edsdrd.eds.com (Gary Schiltz) (01/18/89)

This past weekend was a good one for unusual birds in SE Michigan.
On the Clinton river, in with numerous Mallards, was a Eurasian 
Wigeon.  This was some of the only open water around for miles.
I understand that they are unusual, but regular visitors to this
area.  Anyway, it was a lifer for me.

The highlight of the weekend was a Tufted Duck on Belle Isle in the 
Detroit River.  This was only the second one seen in Michigan, and 
definitely my first!  The bird has been hanging around with a group 
of Mallards in the same area for over a week.  The bird can be seen 
from closer than 10 meters.

Neither bird seems shy, but neither is banded, so I assume both are 
wild, and not an escapee from a zoo or breeder.

I've heard that Tufted Ducks are being seen more regularly in recent 
years.  Does anyone have any thoughts on why this might be true
(if it is true)?  Perhaps increased storms at sea blowing birds off
course?  Enquiring birders want to know! :-<>


     /\   What cheer,  /\       | Gary Schiltz, EDS R&D, 3551 Hamlin Road |
    / o<    cheer,    <o \      | Auburn Hills, MI  48057, (313) 370-1737 |
\\/ ) /     cheer,     \ ( \//  |                                         |
   \ /      cheer!!!    \ /     |       "Have bird will watch ..."        |

gss@edsdrd.eds.com (Gary Schiltz) (02/17/89)

I posted the following article on January 18, but I don't think
it ever made it out (my apologies if it did).  Anyway, here it is, 

This past weekend [Jan 14-15] was a good one for unusual birds in 
SE Michigan.  On the Clinton river, in with numerous Mallards, was 
a Eurasian Wigeon.  This was some of the only open water around for 
miles.  I understand that they are unusual, but regular visitors to 
this area.  Anyway, it was a lifer for me.

The highlight of the weekend was a Tufted Duck on Belle Isle in the 
Detroit River.  This was only the second one seen in Michigan, and 
definitely my first!  The bird has been hanging around with a group 
of Mallards in the same area for over a week.  The bird can be seen 
from closer than 10 meters.

Neither bird seems shy, but neither is banded, so I assume both are 
wild, and not escapees from a zoos or breeders.

I've heard that Tufted Ducks are being seen more regularly in recent 
years.  Does anyone have any thoughts on why this might be true (if 
it is true)?  Perhaps an increase in storms at sea blowing birds off
course?  Enquiring birders want to know! :-<>


     /\   What cheer,  /\       | Gary Schiltz, EDS R&D, 3551 Hamlin Road |
    / o<    cheer,    <o \      | Auburn Hills, MI  48057, (313) 370-1737 |
\\/ ) /     cheer,     \ ( \//  |                                         |
   \ /      cheer!!!    \ /     |       "Have bird will watch ..."        |