[rec.birds] So. Calif waterfowl

sid@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Sid Johnson WB6VWH) (12/11/89)

Decided to take Friday off and go birding.  Here is a general report on the
waterfowl in the So. Calif. area.

Lots of birds.  Mostly American Wigeon followed by Green-winged Teal, then 
Mallard, Pintail and Cinnamon Teal.  A few Buffle-heads and Ruddies plus one 
or two Canvasbacks. Also quite few Night Herons and Common Galinule not to 
mention the ever present Great-blue, Snowy and Great Egret.  Shore birds 
consisted mostly of Marbled Godwits, American Avocet, Dowithcher (Sp.), 
Black-bellied, Semi-palmated Plovers and Western Sandpipers although we did 
spot one Solitary Sandpiper. Both White and Brown Pelican, Forter's and 
Caspian Tern.  Two Harriers and one Black-shouldered Kite. Almost forgot the 
two Clapper Rails.

Two weeks ago Buffle-heads were predominant with amost no Teal. Everything 
else about the same although we did witness a Peregrine stoop on and
catch a shore bird only to be persued by a Harrier that was looking for a 
free lunch.  That was the sighting of the day. e day.

Didn't have much time here.  Pintails were definately number one, by a
large margin.  Shore birds about the same.  Just about dusk on the North
side of Batiquitos Lagoon We spotted a grayish bird with black and white
markings sitting up in a bush. We were looking at the south end of a north 
facing bird.  Looked sort of like a Mockingbird but not quite. Hot dog, 
maybe a five dollar bird for the day.  I tried to sneak around to the side
view while Karen continued study from the rear.  Just as I brought up the 
binocs for a good side look the bird flew about 20 feet into the low scrub
brush and disappeared.  Could have been a Mockingbird but we think it was
a Sage Thrasher. Didn't look quite like a Mocker, of fly like one. Had the
proper tail markings for a Sage thrasher but we really didn't get enough
field marks for a positive ID.  It could have been a life bird for both of
us but instead turned out to be only a potential $10 bird that flew away too

Before I go, my thanks to all of you who responded to my question regarding
cats and Pasturella bacteria.


Sid Johnson (WB6VWH)  -  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA.
sid@jato.jpl.nasa.gov    UUCP: ames!elroy!jato!sid (818)354-2298