[rec.birds] Canaries, Parakeets and Indoor Birds

sbishop@desire.wright.edu (02/12/90)

For Susan who wanted to know more about my canaries; I am down to one.  I had
up to four at one time, A male and three females.  One of the females was old
and died.  The male and one of the females were brother and sister.  I have 
since decided that they must have had some kind of genetic weakness because I
lost both of them.  The male just died a couple of weeks ago.  They seemed to
get progressively weaker and just wasted away.  The last day they went into
convulsions.  Strange symptoms.  My vet, who is a bird specialist, was stumped.  
I tried everything, diet, vitamins, etc.  
The one female I have left is part red factor and is quite a personality.  Also
she is the ONLY female I have ever heard of that sings quite well.  She is not
quite as good as my little male was but she sounds very lovely when she
warbles.  In fact, she is singing away in my kitchen at this very moment.  Yes,
I am certain that she is a female.  She has laid several eggs!  I am planning
to get a male to breed to her but haven't felt like spending the money as yet.
They are relatively expensive around here but I might be able to find one from
a breeder for $50.00.  I would love to find a red factor male but they are rare
and extremely expensive.
I also have parakeets.  I have two pair and one pair is in the process, I hope,
of hatching some babies.  I haven't been able to see into the nest well enough
to tell if there are babies yet.  Both of my male parakeets are talkers so
maybe I will get some good babies.
I also want to get a lovebird one of these days.  Someone in the paper has them
for $20.00 so I am planning to call tomorrow and see if I can go look at them.
As for all you birders out there, thanks for your patience.  I do like to go
birding occasionally but am extremely limited as to free time lately.  (Am
working full time, have a family, a small farm, and am finishing my college