[rec.birds] San Diego Daily Hotline 5-28-90


San Diego Daily Hotline
(619) 479-3400

This is the San Diego Field Ornithologist's Daily Rare Bird
Hotline for Monday, May 28th, 1990 at 6:15 P.M.

Good news. The weekly tape machine has been fixed and although I
just checked it and it isn't on the air yet, it should be
available again real soon now.

At the Dairymart Ponds an AMERICAN BITTERN was heard singing at
dusk yesterday evening in the cattail filled pond south of the
main pond on the west side of Dairymart Road. 2 LEAST BITTERNS
also were heard singing in the pond on the east side of the road.
Sounds like a good spot to practice bittern vocalizations. Ignore
the Border Patrol and other feral humans.

Also in the Tijuana River Valley I'm told that at least seven
pairs of LEAST TERNS are nesting on the north side of the Tijuana
River mouth and at least seventeen pairs are nesting on the south
side. The mouth of the river is accessible from Borderfields
State Park or from the south end of Seacoast Drive and Imperial
Beach. Be sure to walk on the beach itself and don't venture back
behind the beach into the closed off area.

At Lake Murray a second year MEW GULL with an injured leg was
seen Saturday with Western and California Gulls.

At San Elejo Lagoon a male NORTHERN SHOVELER was seen Saturday on
the eastern most Least Tern Island north of the end of (Santa
Carina DR (???)).

A SAY'S PHOEBE was seen yesterday in the San Elejo Lagoon
Ecological Reserve on Stonebridge Mesa reached by going east from
the end of Stonebridge Drive.

Several flocks of LAWRENCE'S GOLDFINCHES were seen Saturday
around the intersection of Interstate 8 and State Highway 79.
Most were seen in grassy areas east of Highway 79 such as the
Park and Ride Area.

In Santee, the San Diego River channel between (Masked Blvd
(???)) and ( Hollins Lake (???)) is good for BLUE GROSBEAKS.
Several reports were received in the last couple of days from
this area.

San Diego Ornithological Society's field trip this last Saturday
was to the Sweetwater River downstream from the bridge on Highway
94. Interesting sightings include a pair of LAWRENCE'S

At the Santa Isabelle Mission in Orange County a flock of
LAWRENCE'S GOLDFINCHES were seen on Saturday.

Generally birds reported on private property will not be reported
without the permission of the property owner.  If you have any
questions about local birds or birding call 464-7342 between 8 AM
and 8 PM. To report a good bird sighting, wait for the beep,
leave your name and telephone number, then tell us what you've
seen, the date and time of observation, and the locations as
precisely as possible.

Thank-you for your interest.

* San Diego Rare Bird Tapes needs a HELPING_HAND in that local  *
* area to assist Mr Y and Ms X in posting their reports to      *
* BITNET listserv BIRD_RBA.                                     *
*                                                               *
* I am currently doing the transcription but they are best done *
* by birders local to the area, not a person unfamiliar with the
* place names such as myself! Even better, generally, is to get *
* compilers themselves posting the reports and cut out the      *
* inaccuracies and delay of the middleman.- Chuck Williamson -  *