(Daan Sandee) (05/29/90)
Date: Tue, 29 May 90 08:21:52 EDT Reply-To: National Birding Hotline Cooperative <BIRD_RBA%ARIZVM1@AVM.CC.FSU.EDU> Sender: National Birding Hotline Cooperative <BIRD_RBA%ARIZVM1@AVM.CC.FSU.EDU> From: "Norman C. Saunders" <NYS%NIHCU.BITNET@AVM.CC.FSU.EDU> Subject: Indiana Hotline, 5/27/90 To: Daan Sandee <SANDEE@SCRI1.SCRI.FSU.EDU> Indiana Audubon Society Rare Bird Alert Transcript of the Tape Prepared on Sunday, May 27 at 11:00 am ************************************************ Apparently migrants are becoming sparse because there have been very few calls in the last two weeks. A pair of BLUE GROSBEAKS has taken up residence north of Eagle Creek Reservoir in Indianapolis. They're in the orchard area by the gate at 8751 Crown Point Road. PINE SISKINS are still putting in scattered appearances at this rather late date. Thank you for calling! ************************************************ Call the Indiana Audubon Society RBA directly at 317-259-0911. Reports of sightings may be made at the end of the prepared tape. This transcript has been prepared as a sample only. If someone close to this rare bird alert would care to take up the transcription duties, we all would be most appreciative. Thanks! ...Norm Saunders