[rec.birds] Wingtips for June 4th

lreastma@CRDEC7.APGEA.ARMY.MIL (Les Eastman) (06/05/90)


          brought to you by the Harford County Chapter of the

                    Maryland Ornithological Society

                   A Summary of the Tape Prepared On
                          Monday, June the 4th

GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHERS are nesting in the PURPLE MARTIN box  at  Har-
ford Glen in Harford County, MD.

GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHERS are also nesting in the number  70  WOOD  DUCK
box at Finess Pool at Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware.

BLUEBIRDS are nesting in at least 12 BLUEBIRD boxes at Harford Glen.

ROYAL TERNS and BLACK SKIMMERS were observed at the 4th  Street  sandbar
at Ocean City, MD on June the 2nd.

An AMERICAN BITTERN was observed flying on the canal side  of  Shearness
Pool at Bombay Hook NWR on Saturday, June the 2nd.

A female RED-NECKED PHALAROPE was observed for several days at Shearness
Pool at Bombay Hook NWR.

WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPERS and BLACK TERNS have been seen recently at  Bom-
bay Hook NWR.  BLACK TERNS are being seen at Cape May, NJ as well.

BLACK-NECKED STILTS appeared for the first time in this century in  Lan-
caster  County, PA.  at Muddy Run in southern Lancaster County - as many
as 10 on Sunday, May the 20th, seen that day only.  This  past  week  in
northern  Lancaster  County  in Middle Creek WMA near Kleinfeltersville,
typically a single BLACK-NECKED STILT has been in the area of Stop 4  of
the  wildlife  drive.   First  seen  on  Friday,  May the 25th and still
present on Monday, May the 28th.  Whimbrel were observed at Muddy Run, 5
on Saturday, May the 19th and 1 on Sunday, May the 20th.

A male BLUE-WINGED TEAL was located on  the  rain  pool  at  Back  River
Sewage  Treatment  Plant  in Essex, Baltimore County, MD on Friday, June
the 1st.

The Muddy Run bird identification classes will begin on Thursday morning
from 9 til 12, starting on June the 7th thru July the 12th.  Meet at the
Muddy Run information center on Thursday mornings at 9AM.  This is spon-
sored by the Philadelphia Electric Co.

There will be a "Down-by-the-River Weekend" at the Conowingo Dam in Har-
ford  County,  MD  on  Saturday  and Sunday, June 9th and 10th.  This is
sponsored by the Philadelphia Electric Co.

This tape is changed regularly every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Rare
reports  and  updates  on  them are made in between as soon as possible.
Reporting from MD, PA, DE, VA, NJ and the DC area.  To report your  bird
sitings and trips, call (301) 838-4427.

This  is  June  Vaughn  thanking  you  for calling and wishing you Happy

           Wingtips may be called directly at (301) 638-0290