NYS@NIHCU.BITNET ("Norman C. Saunders") (06/05/90)
The Oregon Audubon Bird Alert Transcript of the Tape Made On May 31, 1990 ******************************** This recording was made Thursday, May 31. If you have anything to add, call Harry Neils at 503-233-3976. Most active birders spent much of the week in southeastern Oregon and many unusual birds were reported from that area. On May 22 a LONG- BILLED CURLEW was at the mouth of the Mechanicum (??) River at Seaside and a SCRUB JAY was at the south jetty of the Columbia River. A heavy WARBLER MOVEMENT was noted along the coast with many YELLOW WARBLERS. A female HOODED ORIOLE came to a hummingbird feeder in Beaverton on May 23. Unfortunately it did not return. Two pairs of WILSON'S PHALAROPES were at the Forest Grove sewage pond May 29. A CHAT was along Oakhill Road, 5 miles northwest of the town of Yamhill that day and a colony of YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRDS were found along Breedwell Road south of McLinnville. May 27 a BLUE-WINGED TEAL was at Findlay Refuge. A pair of LEWIS' WOODPECKERS were on territory in Mayer's State Park near the Dells, May 29. A RED-EYED VIREO was among a strong warbler and vireo movement at the Moss Spring State Park near Morrow, May 30. BAND-TAILED PIGEON was at Roscoe that day. A BLACK SWIFT was over Detroit Lake, near Detroit on May 25. A DUSKY FLYCATCHER was also there. A female THREE-TOED WOODPECKER was at Lost Lake in the Santiyam (??) Pass that day along with about 16 BARROW'S GOLDENEYE. A FERRUGINOUS HAWK has been regularly seen this spring along Highway 20, about 2 miles west of Brothers. Several WHITE-THROATED SWIFTS have been noticed over the Crooked River Gorge, north of Primeville Reservoir over the weekend and up to 10-12 are in the gorge at Ogden Wayside Park along Highway 97 north of Terrebone (??). They're coming to the cliff base beneath the walkway. An UPLAND SANDPIPER was found east of Yukiya (??) May 26. It was along a fence line along Cable Creek Road about 5 miles south of Highway 244. Two male GREATER SCAUP were at Chickahominy Reservoir, near Reilly, May 29. Very large numbers of hummingbirds were at Malheur Refuge headquarters and at Fields over the weekend. Most were BLACK-CHINNED HUMMINGBIRDS, with a few CALLIOPE and RUFOUS. At Fields, a female BROAD-TAILED was found. On May 27 a male BROAD-TAILED was at the Algord Ranch north of Fields. At Malheur Refuge headquarters, a male BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was seen all weekend and on May 27 a FLAMMULATED OWL spent the day in the headquarters trees and an OVENBIRD was easily found there. Another OVENBIRD was heard at Benson Pond that day. At Three Mile Pond in the Gatlo (??) Valley, a TENNESSEE WARBLER was briefly seen. A bright male BAY-BREASTED WARBLER was at Page Springs Campground May 27 and a male RED-BREASTED GROSBEAK was at Fields most of the weekend. One or two more were north at Algord Ranch. A MOCKINGBIRD and REDSTART were near the Algord Ranch also. A MAGNOLIA WARBLER was at Fields May 25 and a LEAST FLYCATCHER and a CLAY-COLORED SPARROW were reported over the weekend there. An INDIGO BUNTING was at Cottonwood Creek May 27, a SEMIPALMATED PLOVER was at Algord Lake May 28. There will be no Birder's Night at Portland Audubon this month and there won't be till the fall. That's it. There will be no update of the rare bird tape the next two weeks but it will be updated by June 21. And that's it for this week. ******************************** This transcript is being made available as a sample only. The (??) following place names above show the value of having a local person transcribing the hotline. If you're from Oregon, please consider helping out the National Birding Hotline Cooperative with transcripts of this or other Oregon tapes: Statewide (503) 292-0661 So. Oregon (503) 826-7011 (10 pm-6am weekdays only) Thanks! ...Norm Saunders